Club Hotel in Emmaville
Towns and suburbs close to Emmaville | Hotels in Emmaville
Towns and suburbs close to Emmaville | Hotels in Emmaville
Club Hotel
Club Hotel
- Dining Room is open 6 nights weekly
- Hearty counter lunches served between 12 and 2 daily slows down the biggest eater.
- Rooms are comfortable
- Rates include either Continental or Full Breakfast and you won't be disappointed.
When next travelling Big Sky Country make The Club Hotel Emmaville a regular stop.
"On tap tooheys new,hahn light,tooheys old,4X gold,vb,
Tab facilities, very friendly little Pub" - Graham Roots
"The publican was a very friendly chap and showed us a 'scrapbook' of the history of the hotel. He also told us that one day the hotel will collapse as running underneath are many old mine tunnels which flood after heavy rain." - Jenny and Jamie
Club Hotel
Photo 26/06/2010
Photo submitted by Graham Roots, Many Thanks
Imperial Hotel, looks like it was later re built to the Club Hotel by the placement of the main chimmney, but not certain.
Photo: c1914