Blue Heeler Hotel Motel Caravan Park in Kynuna
Blue Heeler Hotel Motel Caravan Park
Blue Heeler Hotel Motel Caravan Park.
Est 1889 as the Kynuna Hotel
The town of Kynuna was established in the 1860's. Originally the town had a Cobb & Co Coaches staging post and 3 hotels; of which only once still stands in operation today (The Blue Heeler Hotel).
Kynuna is said to be famous for the first performance of Banjo Patersons "Waltzing Matilda", though to this day there is a standing debate as to whether the poem was first performed at the Blue Heeler hotel or whether its debut was in Winton.
Those travelers that stop by the hotel often leave a piece of themselves as Pubobilia, and the pubs walls are filled with shirts, hats and other tourists items.
Blue Heeler Hotel Motel Caravan Park
Photo 15/9/10
Photo Sherryn Sunderland, submitted by Gaz Pope and Sherryn, Many Thanks
Blue Heeler Hotel Motel
"This Pub has been sold and I believe a couple of ladies have purchased it and doing a marvelous job " - Gary
Photo and Information, Gary Franklin July 2011, Many Thanks.
Blue Heeler Hotel Motel Caravan Park
Photo April 2008
Photo submitted by Brian McMillan, Many Thanks
Blue Heeler Hotel Motel Caravan Park
Photo: 11/04/2001
Photo submitted by: Robert Aspinall, Many Thanks
Blue Heeler Hotel
Photo 1962
Photo Laurie Macbeth, submitted by Glenn Law, Many Thanks
The attached photo was taken in 1962 when two of my family's buses called in for passenger refreshments.
The company was Redline Coaches, which conducted regular Central Australian tours and frequently called in to the hotel. One of the drivers, and photographer on this occasion, was Laurie MacBeth.