Former Copper mine Hotel in Coopers Creek
Former Copper mine Hotel
Former Copper mine Hotel
Once a station for coaches which used to climb the old road up to Happy Go Lucky, before descending to Walhalla.
The Copper Mine Hotel which functioned in several buildings from the 1860s to circa 1952.
The original Cooper's Creek Hotel has been around for over 100 years, but fell into derelict condition ad eventually got vandalised and burnt down in 1999, leaving only the original chimney(s). The new owner restored it, rebuilding it to original specifications, and reused the original chimneys..... Top spot for a lunch and some serious off-road 4WD trips!
Closed late 2007 and is a private residence.
However has been closed and reopened before so may reopen again.
Former Copper mine Hotel
Photos April 2006
Photos Submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks