Royal Hotel in Adelong
Royal Hotel
Former Royal Hotel
- Accommodation
CTA House can be seen under the name of the hotel.
Many country hotels were CTA (Commercial Travellers Association) houses and some of them had special display rooms where CTA members could display their goods.
Has reopened 2009 after renovations. A b-double had rammed through the corner of the Pub. Which the went to auction 12/12/2007. According to Simpy the new owner has fixed up the Pub and it is now reopen. (Jan 2009)Well done
12 December 2011 sees new owners Jimmy and Aussie who are keen to establich the Pub as a family friendly country Pub that caters for locals and visitors alike. Drop by and say gday!
Revitalised Royal Hotel
Photo March 2008 by Gary Bell
who was commissioned by the new owner / restorer , Peter Thompson to paint the new hotel.
Thanks Gary great job. Looks a true country Pub
Royal Hotel when closed
Photo 09/11/2007.
Photo and information submitted by Jon Graham, Many Thanks
Royal Hotel when closed.
Photo submitted by Esther, Gilchrist Business Brokers,
There was an accident (Truck took the corner of the pub as it was turning the corner) and the pub had been closed for 2 years.
Many Thanks