Court House Hotel in Boorowa
Towns and suburbs close to Boorowa | Hotels in Boorowa
Towns and suburbs close to Boorowa | Hotels in Boorowa
Court House Hotel
The Court House Hotel was established in 1853 as the Crown Inn.
The present Court House Hotel was constructed in 1908.
From Debora Lewis
"Another bit of info is the Court House Pub at Boorowa NSW was once called O'Sullivans Hotel.
I also use to live in Boorowa and had found the glass in an old dump on a property its a cross between a seven ounce glass and a middy with flues on the inside and thick base with O'Sullivans Hotel engraved by hand on it.
So we asked at the Pubs and found out which one it was and it was the Court House.They wanted the glass as a keep sake but so did I and still have it."
Thanks Debora
Court House Hotel
Photo: 24/04/2006
Photos and information submitted by Jon Graham, Many Thanks