Brewarrina Hotel in Brewarrina
Towns and suburbs close to Brewarrina | Hotels in Brewarrina
Towns and suburbs close to Brewarrina | Hotels in Brewarrina
Brewarrina Hotel
Brewarrina Hotel
TAB, Keno,
Coffee shop,
15 rooms upstairs for accommodation
Beer garden with pool tables
Fully fenced-in lockable yard
Dining room
Above ground swimming pool
Closed for a while from 2007. Open now.
"It is run and owned by Glen and Janine They're really fixing up the joint.
It is getting better everyday :)" - Heather and Waide.
Thanks for the update
Brewarrina Hotel
Photo submitted 23/03/2008
Photo and information submitted by Jim Fisher, Many Thanks
- 45 Bathurst St
New South Wales 2839 - Phone:
- 02 6839 2533
- Website:
- www.brewarrinahotel.com.au/
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