Cargo Inn Hotel in Cargo
Towns and suburbs close to Cargo | Hotels in Cargo
Towns and suburbs close to Cargo | Hotels in Cargo
Cargo Inn Hotel
Cargo Inn Hotel
"We have the pool up and running, kids are having a great time over summer utilising it, a 12m x 8m covered deck overlooking the playground and pool and have upgraded our bistro.
Hotel opens 10am to midnight Mon – Sat and 12 noon til 10pm Sundays. Bistro opens 6-9pm Thursdays for Pasta and Pizza night and 6-9 pm Fri –Sun and Lunch 12-2pm Sat, Sun for normal Bistro meals and specials.
We cater for functions both on site and offsite. Mick and Donna"
"Looks a nice pub, but I was too early for a drink. Cargo is a small hamlet with a population of approximately 250 and is 35km south west of Orange." - Jon Graham 1997
Cargo Inn Hotel
Showing the deck added for Patrons
Photo 08/05/2012
Photo submitted by Mick and Donna, Many Thanks
- 34 Belmore St.
New South Wales 2800 - Phone:
- 02 6364 3085
- Website: