Former Hotel Australasia in Eden
Former Hotel Australasia
Former Hotel Australasia
Closed 2010.
A Great Pub with wonderful beer gardens and upstairs rooms, great cartoon art and pubobilia throughout and we hope it reopens at some stage .
Can you let us know if it does.
Thanks to Andrew Davies, Producer, ABC Radio National for sharing their Earshot piece on the Australasian Hotel and the effects of Pubs closing.
"In many country towns across Australia, the pub is the heart and soul of the community. So what does it mean for a small town when a once-thriving hotel stands empty on the main street? Vanessa Milton heads to the NSW south coast to find out.
The Hotel Australasia has been part of the streetscape of Eden since the first photos were taken of the town...
www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/earshot/last-drinks-at-eden's-australasia-hotel/6987540[Visit Radio National to read more and listen to the excerpt]
The Hotel Australasia is a real find in the picturesqe coastal township of Eden.
The Motel style rooms are spacious and comfortable
- Imlay Street,
Eden NSW 2551 - Phone:
- 02 64961600
- Website:
- www.hotelaustralasia.com.au
Leigh Invites you for an Icy Cold Ale
The Summer entertainment in the Beer Garden is a favourite local activity. Children's play ground also available in beer garden, while mum and dad can enjoy a quiet drink and enjoy our picturesque ocean views.
Enjoy Bianca's Restaurant. Awarded the "Best Restaurant in a Pub, Club or Tavern on the South Coast 2003" by Restaurant and Catering.