Jennings Hotel in Jennings
Towns and suburbs close to Jennings | Hotels in Jennings
Towns and suburbs close to Jennings | Hotels in Jennings
Jennings Hotel
Jennings Hotel
Only just inside NSW. In fact Jennings Hotel would be the first hotel in NSW when driving south on the New England Highway.
Hotel established in 1922. Good accommodation and meals.
"Lyn and Ann run a great bikers kitchen. If you have a proper bike take Ann for a ride. She prefers a rocket 3 to a chook chaser like mine.
Clean and inexpensive accommodation with safe parking."- Brian
The border towns of Jennings and Wallangarra means that the two pubs in the towns are only 400 metres apart.www.gdaypubs.com.au/QLD/wallangarra.html
Jennings Hotel
A couple of photos of Jennings pub we visited in Aug 2010 a lovely pub with two lovely ladies running the place
Photo: August 2010
Photo submitted by Graham Roots, Many Thanks