Kearsley Hotel in Kearsley
Towns and suburbs close to Kearsley | Hotels in Kearsley
Towns and suburbs close to Kearsley | Hotels in Kearsley
Kearsley Hotel
Kearsley Hotel
Built in 1922
Enjoy the open fire.
Accommodation breakdown, rooms starting from $100 per night:
- 4 x queen
- 6 x double
- 2 x two singles
- 1 x queen & bunk beds
- 1 x queen & single
- Bistro is Open 7 days Lunch & dinner.
Contact email address
Kearsley Hotel
Photo submitted Feb 2015 by Brooke, Many Thanks
- 120 Caledonia Street,
New South Wales 2325 - Phone:
- 02 4990 1179
- Website:
- www.kearsley-hotel.com.au