Royal Hotel in Mandurama
Towns and suburbs close to Mandurama | Hotels in Mandurama
Towns and suburbs close to Mandurama | Hotels in Mandurama
Royal Hotel (Mando Pub)
Royal Hotel
Established 1899.
"This Hotel boasts everything you expect from a great country pub and more. With its Cold Beer,and TAB in Main Bar. Pool room, Lounge,
Restaurant, Beer Garden and BBQ, ATM and Country Style Accommodation.
Its airconditioned in Summer and has Cosy Open Fires in Winter"
- Courtesy Mando Pub, Many Thanks
Royal Hotel
Photo: 22/04/2006.
Photos and information submitted by Jon Graham, Many Thanks
- Olive Street,
New South Wales 2792 - Phone:
- 02 6367 5022
- Website:
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