George IV Hotel in Picton
Towns and suburbs close to Picton | Hotels in Picton
Towns and suburbs close to Picton | Hotels in Picton
George IV Hotel
George IV Hotel
"Hotel dates back to 1810 with the Stables (now known as The Barn) being the first erected building and possibly the oldest in Picton. The pub was officially opened in 1839
In 1987 previous publican Geoff Scharer opened Scharers Little Brewery at the hotel selling only beers brewed on premises. Today the pub offers over 15 beers from locally and well known Australian beers" - courtesy Pub website: georgeiv.com.au
- Restaurant is open 7 day a week,
- Accommodation: Single, Double, Twin and a Family Room with shared bathroom facilities. Secure car parking at the rear of the hotel.
George IV Hotel
Photo submitted by Lloyd Gerdes, Many Thanks
Photo: May 1992
- 180 Argyle St
New South Wales 2571 - Phone:
- 02 4677 1415
- Website:
- www.georgeiv.com.au/