Abercrombie Hotel in Chippendale (Sydney)
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Towns and suburbs close to Chippendale (Sydney) | Hotels in Chippendale (Sydney)
Abercrombie Hotel
Abercrombie Hotel
Slated to close by 22nd January 2010 for site redevelopment.
The former Australian Hotel. The hotel was rebuilt in 1937 after road widening.
"Was referbished and reopened, is now quite a nice pub with a covered outdoor area" - Amy
The southern side of Broadway was widened in the 1930's. The road was called George Street West and it was renamed Broadway after the widening. All the buildings on the southern side were demolished and were rebuilt during the 1930's. Many Pubs were demolished.
Abercrombie Hotel
Photo 22/06/2008
Photo and Information submitted by Jon Graham, Many Thanks