Hotels in Glebe (Sydney), New South Wales
AB Hotel
AB Hotel Formerly the Ancient Briton Choose from 4 Bars, three great dining experiences, wine tastings, live entertainment and themed nights. "I visited last night and has a good atmosphere, good beer and seemingly good food." - Mike M
Australian Youth Hotel,
Australian Youth Hotel, Established 1857 with original original working fire place and walls adorned with vintage Australian prints. Heritage restaurant with a mezzanine loft in what were originally the Pub Stables Beer Garden adjacent...
Friend in Hand Hotel
Friend in Hand Hotel Dining darley Street Bistro. Enjoy the wonderful atmosphere in the Public Bar of this Art-Deco Pub. "More a Museum than a Pub! Meet George the Sulphur crested Cockatoo A Rocks Brewery Hangman Pale Ale enjoyed by Bob...
Toxteth Hotel
Toxteth Hotel Established prior to 1860. * Main bar * Beer & wine speciality store, the latest * TAB facilities, * Out door courtyard * Function area * Amazing view of the Sydney CBD views from VIP lounge "I visited last night and has a...
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