Albion Hotel in Parramatta (Sydney)
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Towns and suburbs close to Parramatta (Sydney) | Hotels in Parramatta (Sydney)
Albion Hotel
Albion Hotel
- Garden Bar and Beer garden
- Tavern Bar
- Nightclub
Lunch and Dinner daily
"I had a Coopers Pale Ale, but they also had James Squire Amber Ale and Stella Artois on tap.
The pub is right opposite the old Gasworks Bridge over the Parramatta River - hence the Rivercat photo." - Bob McKenzie
Albion Hotel
Photo 17/8/2011
Photo submitted by Bob McKenzie, Many Thanks
- Cnr George & Harris Sts
Sydney, NSW 2150 - Phone:
- 02 9891 3288
- Website:
- www.albionhotel.com.au