Former Galway Castle Hotel in Redfern (Sydney)
Former Galway Castle Hotel
The Former Galway Castle Hotel on Abercrombie St Redfern opened in 1883 and closed 1967. In its day it had a colourful history.
The Daily Telegraph 1.1.1895 reported
'A young man William Phyllis, was shot early on Christmas morning in the disturbance which resulted in the partial wrecking of the Galway Castle Hotel, in Abercrombie-street, Redfern. Phyllis was discharged from the Prince Alfred Hospital the next morning, and was immediately arrested on a charge of maliciously damaging the property of the licensee. He appears to have had a good shaking, and moves about on crutches with his head bandaged up. He was admitted to bail, and will appear before Mr. Edwards, D.S.M., at the court, this morning.
In the course of the afternoon the licensee, James Kenny (44) was arrested by Plaln-clothes Constables Wilson and Sutherland, of the Redfern police, on a charge of discharging a loaded firearm at one William Phyllis, with intent to do him grievous bodily harm, on December 23, 1894. Kenney was also admitted to bail, and will appear before the court this morning, when, most likely, a remand will he applied for till Thursday.'