Former White Bay Hotel in Rozelle (Sydney)
Former White Bay Hotel
Former White Bay Hotel
"Hi John,
Just a note that with the State Government purchase of the destroyed White Bay Hotel in July 2010, the site was the cleared of rubble in October 2010. News reports of the time noted that the State Government is likely to on-sell the liquor license in future. The site, located high on the edge of industrial parkland will become part of the "Bays Precinct" which is subject to strategic planning.
I missed out on souveniring a tile from the site unfortunately, would have been a good beer coaster to have in the shed.
Cheers Greg P." December 2010.
The first White Bay Hotel (1860-1915) was demolished to make way for the Rozelle Railway Goods Yard railway line. This Hotel was built in 1916 and sadly closed in 1992. It was, in its latter years, a popular "early opener." The building was used for advertising purposes with thousands of vehicles passing every day.
On the 06/09/2008 the building caught fire and needed to be demolished. At the time there was an application with council to reopen as a bar and restaurant with office space and car parking at the back.
Former White Bay Hotel
Photo: 01/04/2001
Photo and information Courtesy of Jon G, Many Thanks