Marlin Hotel Ulladulla in Ulladulla
Towns and suburbs close to Ulladulla | Hotels in Ulladulla
Towns and suburbs close to Ulladulla | Hotels in Ulladulla
Marlin Hotel Ulladulla
Marlin Hotel Ulladulla
Look for the traffic lights in the centre of town
- Pub Grub
- Restaurant
- Eftpos
- Counter meals
- Beer Garden
- Breakfasts
- Ocean Views
- Pay TV at Bar Keno
- Bottleshop
- Juke box
- Pool Tables
- Live Entertainment
- Big screen TV
Accommodation Available
Single Rooms
Double Rooms
Twin Rooms
Family Rooms
Group Rooms
- Shared facilities & Ensuite rooms available
Marlin Hotel Ulladulla
Photo: 25/07/2001
Photo: Gdaypubs
The Marlin has just introduced the "Local Original Band - JAM NIGHT" every thursday night. Once the local band has done their 60 minute set all the Muso's are invited to get up to jam. Visitors definately welcome. Some good bands started in Ulladulla so check out the talent or bring your own instrument.
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