The Commercial Hotel in Ulmarra
The Commercial Hotel
The Commercial Hotel
12 klms north of Grafton, turn inland at the Ampol. Situated on the River Bank, 300 metres from the highway
Recently renovated
- Restaurant
- Counter Meals
- Beer Garden
- Take Aways
- River Views
- Eftpos,ATM
- Darts
- Pool Table
- Gardens Seating
- Sky TV
- Juke Box
- Historical Photos
- Balcony
- Disabled Access
- Groups & Buses welcome
The Commercial Hotel
Photo submitted 2011
Photo courtesy Edwina Baird, Many Thanks
As you sit in the gardens with a beer at the Commercial it is hard to believe that life continues at a hectic pace just a couple of hundred metres away on the Pacific Highway. There is probably not a calendar in the town and the Publican still does things like putting the days prawn catch on the bar. Just good old country hospitality. Of course the modern facilities are here. TAB, Eftpos and so on but on a nice day you find most people catching the breeze off the Clarence River, in the gardens, discussing the day the film makers came to town. Comfortable rooms and top tucker round off your visit just nicely. Don't drive past this Pub
Accommodation (10 rooms)
Twin Rooms
Double Rooms
Family Rooms
Triple Rooms
Off street parking
Shared amenities (Seperate M/F)
The Commercial Hotel
Riverside Gardens
Photo submitted 2011
Photo courtesy Edwina Baird, Many Thanks
Commercial Hotel Ulmarra 1900
The Commercial Hotel was first built
in Ulmarra in 1873 and was one of the first Hotels in the area. The first Licensee was Mr James Brown
Commercial Hotel 1902
That is the Commercial at the left
of picture. The Commercial was the only hotel in town for many years. It was joined in town by the Exchange Hotel across the street early in the century which traded untill 1954 and the Commercial has soley been serving travellers and locals ever since
The Commercial Hotel
The Commercial burn't down in 1910 and was rebuilt in 1911 leaving the townsfolk without a pub for 12 months. It was rebuilt as the current two storey building and the building centre photo was the Holding House for kegs with cattle yards to the right
The Commercial Hotel was the focal point for the filming of the TV mini series
"Fields of Fire" in 1988
The Commercial Hotel
The Mini Series "Fields of Fire" transformed Ulmarra into the Northern Queenslands town of Silkwood.
The Commercial Hotel became the Great Northern Hotel and was in the opening scene of the film as travellers arrived into the town. Many scenes were filmed in and aroundthe Pub.
The Commercial Hotel
There is a terrific collection of photo's showing the filming on the walls of the Hotel.
A light gauge rail line was built through the Ulmarra and the Rail Engine was built especially for the movie. Top of the photo left is the real Pacific Highway. This photo was taken from the Pubs balcony
Kate welcomes you to the Commercial, Ulmarra. Drop By
Friday night is when it happens at the commercial with the treasure chest draw and meat raffles. Tuesday pool comp. The fishing club welcomes visitors for a spot of fishing. Rest of the time it's just pretty laid back.