Barkly Homestead in Barkly Homestead
Towns and suburbs close to Barkly Homestead | Hotels in Barkly Homestead
Towns and suburbs close to Barkly Homestead | Hotels in Barkly Homestead
Barkly Homestead
Barkly Homestead
This welcome roadhouse oasis in the heart of the Territory offers a cool beer 7 days a week from 6.30 am to 12 midnight along with supplies, fuel, gas, avgas and mechanical repairs.
- Camping
- Motel accommodation with ensuites.
- Budget Cabins
- Saddle Tree Bar with draught and imported beers and footy on the screen.
- Restaurant - breakfast, lunch and dinner. Try the Barkly burger.
Great Roadhouse, a destination in its own right.
Barkly Homestead
Photo 14/7/1991
Photos and some information submitted by Bob McKenzie, Many Thanks
- Junction of Tablelands and Barkly Highyway
Northern Territory 0862
PMB 32 Tennant Creek NT 0862 - Phone:
- 08.8964.4549
- Website: