Emerald Springs Roadhouse in Emerald Springs
Towns and suburbs close to Emerald Springs | Hotels in Emerald Springs
Towns and suburbs close to Emerald Springs | Hotels in Emerald Springs
Emerald Springs Roadhouse
Emerald Springs Roadside Inn
- 6Am till 11Pm 7 Days a week
- Meals & Cold Drinks
- Accommodation packages available
12 caravan, 20 camping sites, and 40 ensuite rooms, plus a full refurbished Roadhouse,bar, restaurant and a 160 meter deck area out the back that leads down to the swimming pool
"Licenced restaurant and bar, conference and function facilities and an enormous hardwood deck that begs to be relaxed on"
Emerald Springs Roadhouse
Photo courtesy www.emeraldsprings.com.au with permission.
- Stuart Highway
133 Mile Stuart Highway
Pine Creek NT 0847 - Phone:
- 08 89782320
- Website:
- www.emeraldsprings.com.au/