Larrimah Hotel in Larrimah
Larrimah Hotel (Wayside Inn)
Larrimah Hotel (Wayside Inn)
Larrimah is situated sth of Mataranka on the Stuart Hwy. Larrimah was once the southern extremity of the North Australia Railway from Darwin, that closed in 1976.
Larrimah was used as a transhipping location from road to rail. The Pub features a large model of the Pink Panther and replica of a giant size Darwin Stubby outside." (Holds 2250 gallons. The original is two litres).
"The pub was actually moved from Birdum after World War Two. (1952)
The Larrimah Hotel is a true outback NT pub."
*Thanks Glenn and Dominik. The Larrimah Hotel boasts the "highest" bar in the Northern Territory. At 181.04 metres above sea level. Is that the top of the Bar??
Larrimah Hotel (Wayside Inn)
This Photo and information submitted by Glenn Ryan, Many Thanks
Other photos submitted 02/08/2007 by Dominik Giemza and Glenn Ryan. Photos by Dominik Giemza. Many Thanks.