Bucca Hotel in Bucca
Towns and suburbs close to Bucca | Hotels in Bucca
Towns and suburbs close to Bucca | Hotels in Bucca
Bucca Hotel
Bucca Hotel
Known for its food and hospitality the Bucca hotel is a must visit. Situated on over 4 acres in relaxed country surrounds.
- Dining room is open wed - sat 12:00 - 2:00 Pm 5:30 - 7:30 pm.
- Single , Double and Bunk rooms for overnight stays. Caravan sites available. Tent sites available.
Great live entertainment venue.
Bucca Hotel
Photo 2010
Photo courtesy Bucca Hotel websites, many thanks
- 5 North Bucca Rd
Queensland 4670 - Phone:
- 07 4157 8171
- Website:
- www.buccahotel.com