Grand Hotel in Many Peaks
Towns and suburbs close to Many Peaks | Hotels in Many Peaks
Towns and suburbs close to Many Peaks | Hotels in Many Peaks
Grand Hotel
Grand Hotel
Originally built and operated as the Railway Hotel on Bramston St, Gladstone. The Grand was one of many Qld Pubs moved by dray around that time. It was moved to Nanandu in 1907 which later became known as Many Peaks
Hotel may be closed on a Monday.
- Meals available Friday to Sunday or 7 days for in-house guests.
- Accommodation - 3 rooms with a double and a single bed, and 4 single bed rooms. There are 2 share bathrooms and all rooms are air conditioned for summer and winter. Camping with an amenities block access is available
Grand Hotel
Photo October 2007
Photo submitted by Brian McMillan, Many Thanks
- Morgan St
Many Peaks
Queensland 4680 - Phone:
- 07 4974 1186
- Website:
- members.optusnet.com.au/grandhotel1/