Coronation Hotel in Toobeah
Towns and suburbs close to Toobeah | Hotels in Toobeah
Towns and suburbs close to Toobeah | Hotels in Toobeah
Coronation Hotel
Coronation Hotel
- 9 Hotel rooms fully air-conditioned with tvs
- Modern commercial kitchen and seating for 52
- Meals all day and night every day
- Large beer garden
- Inside kids entertainment room and outside swings & fort
- Free camping set on 2 acres
- Available for rally's etc and can cater for any number
Thanks to Michael at the Coronation for updating this information. Cheers
Coronation Hotel
Photo 01/08/2007.
Pho submitted By Jon Graham, Many Thanks
Beer Garden
Coronation Hotel. Toobeah, Queensland.
Toobeah Hotel. Photo "Courtesy of Tourism Queensland". - Photographer Peter Lik.