Mannum Hotel in Mannum
Towns and suburbs close to Mannum | Hotels in Mannum
Towns and suburbs close to Mannum | Hotels in Mannum
Mannum Hotel
Mannum Hotel
Built in 1869 as the Bogan Hotel and kept this name until 1886. Originally offered lodgings and food for travellers from the River Boats which ceased in 1984 due to , as they say on the website "faster modes of travel and government regulations" and was returned in 2001.
On the banks of the Murray River.
- 14 olde style rooms, single and doublet. Some with access to the veranda with river views
- Off street parking
- Dining
- Sports Bar
- Entertainment
Mannum Hotel
Photo date unknown
Photo submitted by Gary Bell, Many Thanks
- 15 Randell Street,
South Australia 5238 - Phone:
- 08 8569 1008
- Website: