Mungerannie Hotel in Mungerannie
Towns and suburbs close to Mungerannie | Hotels in Mungerannie
Towns and suburbs close to Mungerannie | Hotels in Mungerannie
Mungerannie Hotel
Mungerannie Hotel / Campground
Located on the birdsville Track 301 klms south of Birdsville and 210 klms nort of Marree. Mungerannie Hotel bar can lay claim to one of the best bar collection of hats of any Aussie outback Pub celebrating those who have passed by and those who are now part of legend!
- Home cooked meals in the dining room.
- Enjoy the nearby wetlands in season.
- Single, double or twin share rooms, all at reasonable rates.
- Choice of camping areas close to the Pub
- Amenities Block
- Travellers assistance and repairs.
- Pool
- Check road conditions before travelling
Part of the worlds longest mail run. By plane.
Mungerannie Hotel
Photo 2010
Photo submitted by Peter Moore, Many Thanks
- Mungerannie
South Australia
7 Birdsville Track ,
Via Marree, SA 5733 - Phone:
- 08 8675 8317
- Website: