Spuds Roadhouse in Pimba
Towns and suburbs close to Pimba | Hotels in Pimba
Towns and suburbs close to Pimba | Hotels in Pimba
Spuds Roadhouse
Spuds Roadhouse
On the highway up the centre from Port Augusta to Darwin. 170km nth of Port Augusta
A welcome sight for Travellers.
Dining 7 days, Fuel, supplies and cool drinks at the Bar. It has some great history and is about to undergo a major refurbishment. (January 2008)
Spud was a well known character to travelers who frequented the centre run. Passed away late 2007 but his story lives on in the Roadhouse itself. Well worth a visit.
Spuds Roadhouse
Photo submitted by Michelle Wardley. Many Thanks.
Michelle tours the outback with her own brand of Uniquely Stylised Legendary Tunes & Original Music and sometimes plays at Spuds Roadhouse.
If you would like to book Michelle for your venue or listen to her music visit www.michellewardley.com