Beech Forest Hotel in Beech Forest
Towns and suburbs close to Beech Forest | Hotels in Beech Forest
Towns and suburbs close to Beech Forest | Hotels in Beech Forest
Beech Forest Hotel (Beechy Pub)
Beech Forest Hotel
The "Beechy Pub" is situated close to the Turton's Track that links Lavers Hill/Ferguson across to Mt Sabine. It is convenient to the Otway Fly and local falls that are major tourist attractions in the area. The Pub is next to the end of the Beechy Rail Trail, the former railway that came from Colac via Gellibrand, and marks one of the highest points of the area at around 1700-1800ft.
- Restaurant Standard Meals
- 4 guest rooms. Each room has a double bed and a single bunk.
Say Gday to Nicole and Chris.
Beech Forest Hotel
Photo 27/09/2008
Photos and information submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks
- 35 Main Rd
Beech Forest.
Victoria. 3237 - Phone:
- 03 52359220
- Website:
- www.otwaysaccommodation.com.au/beech_forest_hotel.html