Hotel Nicholas in Beechworth
Towns and suburbs close to Beechworth | Hotels in Beechworth
Towns and suburbs close to Beechworth | Hotels in Beechworth
Hotel Nicholas
Hotel Nicholas
Built in 1857 during Victoria's fascinating gold-rush era.
Opening as the Hotel Alliance on August 13. With the coming of the Great Northern Railway to Beechworth in the early 1870's, the name was changed to The Railway Hotel.
- Enjoy the Gallery dining romm, courtyard and Balcony
- Accommodation - Offering two suites decorated in the Art Deco style of the 1930's.
Hotel Nicholas
Photo 25/5/2010
Photo and some information submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks
- 1A Camp Street
Victoria 3747 - Phone:
- 03 5728 1051
- Website:
- www.hotelnicholas.com.au/