Dargo Hotel in Dargo
Towns and suburbs close to Dargo | Hotels in Dargo
Towns and suburbs close to Dargo | Hotels in Dargo
Dargo Hotel
Dargo Hotel
Establiahed 1898
Licensees Tom and Teen Howson have revamped the menu and hope to ignite the country hospitality of this Historic Hotel.
- Top country Pub. Log Cabin and Bunkroom accommodation available.
- Offers indoor and outdoor dining as well as Bundaberg rum, ice cold beer on tap and a selection of wines.
- Entertainment is provided on special occasions and major weekends, with bands and local talent.
Bistro is open 7 days a week for lunch and diner.
Dargo Hotel
Photo Courtesy of the Dargo Hotel, 2016. Many Thanks
- 108 Lind Ave
Victoria 3862 - Phone:
- 03 5140 1231
- Website:
- dargohotel.com/