Hallam Hotel in Hallam
Towns and suburbs close to Hallam | Hotels in Hallam
Towns and suburbs close to Hallam | Hotels in Hallam
Hallam Hotel
Hallam Hotel
(Take the belgrave-Hallam Rd exit from the freeway - and just drop 0.5km south)
The Hallam Hotel is well known for providing a variety of live entertainment to suit all tastes these days. But then, its being looking after its patrons since 1872!
For special occasions, the venue offers access to its Corner Bar or Mezz's Lounge and can be well catered for. For everyday get togethers, there's the SportsBar for an ale or meal, and the hotel provides a well stocked bottleshop with drive thru.
And, check out their bistro menu - it has something for everybody!
Hallam Hotel
Photo 28/4/2008
Photos and information submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks
- 241-245 Princes Highway
Victoria 3803 - Phone:
- 03 8786 0200
- Website:
- www.hallamhotel.com.au