Hotels in Mansfield, Victoria
Mansfield Hotel
Mansfield Hotel A fire did serious damage to the Mansfield Hotel on the night of August 27th 2010 and has/had temporarily closed the Hotel. An electrical fire that started in the kitchen has gutted the Hotel internally. Please let us know...
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Information on Mansfield, VIC 3722
Photo 24/05/2009
Photo and information submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks
Mansfield sits at the foot of Mt Buller and Mt Stirling that dominates the landscape at the eastern exit from the main street, High St. And of course, who can overlook the Victoria High Country legendary tales of the cattlemen who drove their herds across the slopes of the Great Dividing Range. All this history and adventure is there for the exploring, with Mansfield providing all possible services and provisions needed.
Mansfield is the Gateway to the Mount Bulla Ski fields.
A fine monument stands at the corner of Highett and High St standing in pride of position at the entrance to the town. It was erected by public subscription by the inhabitants of Victoria and New South Wales in 1880, and sits on the corner shared repectively by the Mansfield Hotel and Deletite Hotel. It recognises the three policemen who lost there lives in conflict with the Kelly Gang in the Wombat Ranges near Mansfield and other locals who suffered at the time.