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Hotels in Omeo, Victoria

Towns and suburbs close to Omeo | Hotels in Omeo

Blue Duck Inn Hotel

The Historic Pub on the banks of the Cobungra River. The historic Blue Duck Inn stands in splendid isolation at the confluence of three Alpine trout streams – the Cobungra, the Bundara and the Mitta Mitta Rivers, surrounded by one million...

Omeo Highway,
Anglers Rest,
Vic 3898

03 5159 7220

Golden Age Hotel Motel

The Golden Age is located right in the heart of Omeo in Victoria's High Country. Originally known as the Omeo Hotel. Probably the best known building in Omeo, the Golden Age Hotel Motel provides excellent accommodation. 2 luxury spa units...

[street view]

Lot 37 Tongio Rd,
VIC 3898,

Hilltop Hotel

Fully Renovated - Under New Management (Apr 2017) Features $70 accommodation including main meal Free Camping on site Set on 1 acre of land $4 pots. $10 lunches.

107 Day Ave,
VIC 3898

(03) 5159 1303

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