Toolangi Tavern in Toolangi
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Toolangi Tavern
Toolangi Tavern
Started out as a Guest House in the 1880's and was licensed in 1913.
Pub burn't down in 1975 but the locals saved the beer. Gotta love that. A residence is now located on that site.
A residence across the road was granted a takeaway license in the 1990's and at least the locals could get a beer.
The current Pub building was finished in 2005 and the Town now again has a Pub with cold beer and great meals.
Check out the website for an interesting history and whats on.
Toolangi Tavern
Photo 07/06/2009
Photo and information submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks
- 1390 Myers Creek Rd
Victoria 3777 - Phone:
- 03 5962 9398
- Website: