Woori Yallock Hotel in Woori Yallock
Woori Yallock Hotel (The Woorie)
Woori Yallock Hotel
The "Woori" Hotel is just off the current Warburton Highway, and is situated on the OLD Warburton Highway.
Coming in from the Seville East side, it is worthwhile turning off the main road, and taking the OLD Warburton Hwy run down the side of the hill, and leading up to the hotel.
You'll be rewarded with some tremendous views of Mount Donna Buang and surrounding ranges as you arrive.(the actual township of Woori Yallock is in fact further East, along the main Warburton Highway - but we highly recommend taking the Old highway as a nice detour!)
This old Pub has a special interest, as it belonged to my Brother-in-law's family for many years (late 60's), and he rode his horse to school from there.
Meeting up with one of the regular patrons on the day, Nathan, he boasts his local has some of the best food around - and often makes it the rest over from running his "Thumpa" up through the adjoining hills. No doubt he has been enjoying one of the great bike touring areas for some time in the area.
Definitely a must-stop-see-and-relax Pub stop in this region.
Woori Yallock Hotel
Photo 15/03/2008
Photos and information submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks
The Hotel has a balcony and bistro area that overlooks the entire valley from Woori Yallock to Mt Donna Buang - Magnificent!
Interesting trivia:
The Woori Yallock Hotel in the Yarra Ranges became the first customer in the State to be connected to natural gas under the Bracks Government's $70 million Natural Gas Extension Program. (Sept 1, 2005)