Lattitude 28 Pub & Bottle Shop in Geraldton
Towns and suburbs close to Geraldton | Hotels in Geraldton
Towns and suburbs close to Geraldton | Hotels in Geraldton
Lattitude 28 Pub & Bottle Shop
Lattitude 28 Pub & Bottle Shop
"We offer a great value menu, wide range of beers on tap, covered outdoor al fresco area overlooking Champion Bay in a vibrant friendly atmosphere.
We also cater for functions and can offer our exclusive wine cellar for private functions.
We have original live bands on most Friday and Saturday nights as well as live music for our famous Sunday Session. More details on our website www.lattitude28.com.au
Opening hours are 11am - 12Midnight Mon - Sat and 11am-10pm Sunday" - Courtesy James Bryant, Many Thanks
Lattitude 28 Pub & Bottle Shop
Photo date unknown
Photo submitted by James Byatt, Many Thanks
- Cnr Chapman Rd + Mabel Street,
Western Australia 6530 - Phone:
- 08 99653776
- Website:
- www.lattitude28.com.au