Mumballup Pub in Mumballup
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Mumballup Pub (Mumby Pub)
The Mumby Pub re-opened in August 2015.
New publicans Jim Polidano & Lisa Atthowe have breathed new life into the 111 year old property and recreated a real family pub.
On August 1, 2015 the pub had it's grand re-opening, with more than 400 people there to celebrate. The event was arguably bigger than the pub's 100th anniversary as everyone was treated to a performance by blues band Flamin' Crows.
- Great food
- Live Music
- Beer Garden
- Camping Available in the paddock
A real country pub .... I tried to order sparkling water/soda water ... but (with very great humour !) was told ..... none of that fancy city stuff here - there's free tap water if you want water !!!! (Alison Leck, 2017)
Mumballup Pub, 2017
Photo Courtesy of Alison Leck, Many Thanks