Woolshed Hotel (The) in Nungarin
Towns and suburbs close to Nungarin | Hotels in Nungarin
Towns and suburbs close to Nungarin | Hotels in Nungarin
Woolshed Hotel (The)
Woolshed Hotel (The)
Built 1927. Previously known as the Nungarin Hotel
Built 1927
The Woolshed Hotel Nungarin boasts warm open fires, a large shady beer garden with stage, 11 stylish rooms of accommodation (as well as staff accommodation), federation styled main bar, ladies cocktail lounge and a busy restaurant with large commercial kitchen.
Reopened and renamed January 2014 after being closed for 18 months and refurbished. The Hotel is named after the new owners who are shearers and farmers.
Woolshed Hotel
Photo march 2014
Photo submitted by Jillian Wegner, Many Thanks