Albert Hotel - Monto QLD
Hotel For Sale in Queensland

The Albert Hotel is located in Monto, Queensland - about 2 hours west of Bundaberg.
Freehold For Sale - W.I.W.O
Hotel Features
- Public Bar
- Small Lounge Bar
- Commerical Kitchen
- Coffee Shop
- 4 Bedroom Managers Residence & Office
- Very Large Beer garden
- Kids Room
- 4 Poker Machine Licenses.
Rental Properties attached to the hotel
- 1 x Beauty Shop
- 1 x Building Approvals Business
- 1 x Butcher Shop
- 1 x Flat above the butchers shop
- 1 x Laundromat (Business owned by the hotel)
All long-term rentals
- 15 Rooms accommodation with long term contracts from companies
Sale due to other commitments
Price is $970,000 (negotiable)
Diane Falzone
M: 0429 170 562