Matter of Fact
While visiting Pubs there sometimes comes up a question or point of Pub history that causes the collective grey matter in the Public Bar into a state of debate. Best we can do is offer to put the question onto the Gday Pubs site and say that if someone knows then we will pass it on to the Boys at the Bar. So if you can solve any of these, please email us.
If you have a question that does the rounds in your Pub and you would like to post it here, please email us also. Someone may have an answer.
An answer to your question may be found on The State Histories page
If you are sending us information or questions on Pubs ,history or photos of Pubs etc, could you please confirm in your email, permission to publish on the GdayPubs website. Addresses and Full Surnames will be withheld. Or your preference to withhold. Cheers, Thanks
Matter of Fact
While visiting Pubs there sometimes comes up a question or point of Pub history that causes the collective grey matter in the Public Bar into a state of debate. Best we can do is offer to put the question onto the Gday Pubs site and say that if someone knows then we will pass it on to the Boys at the Bar. So if you can solve any of these, please email us.
If you have a question that does the rounds in your Pub and you would like to post it here, please email us also. Someone may have an answer.
An answer to your question may be found on The State Histories page
If you are sending us information or questions on Pubs ,history or photos of Pubs etc, could you please confirm in your email, permission to publish on the GdayPubs website. Addresses and Full Surnames will be withheld. Or your preference to withhold. Cheers, Thanks
email Matter of fact
"PUB" written on the Roof
Hi John
I hope this finds you well. I was speaking with my husband about possible reasons for pubs having PUB written on their roof tops. We came up with a couple of theories but couldn't find any literature to support any of our theories. Any chance you could shed some light?
Thanks in advance.
A good question. I have no greater insight than the obvious which would be that it was for light aircraft letting them know there was a Pub and lodgings. Maybe something more to it re WW2 etc for NT pubs. I will add it to the home page comment board and see if anyone else knows, Ed
Mystery Pub??
Where is,was this Pub. We REALLY need your help!! Cheers
Reg Kerr's Post Office Hotel
Hi John, I have consulted my book "One For The Raod" A History of Tamworth's Hotels and the photo shown on the G'Day Pubs site is definitely not the Post Office Hotel in Tamworth.
A 1975 photo shows ten verandah posts along the front and much closer together than those in the photo on the G'Day site. There is no mention of a publican name Kerr.
Will see if I can spot any possibles in my collection.
Best wishes Simpy
From Duncan, the second guess that this Hotel may have been in Tamworth . Have moved to the Tamworth Town page. If anyone recognises the Pub to confirm, that would be great . Cheers Ed
"Is it possible that this is the Tamworth Post Office Hotel? I can't find any early info on it, but it does look familiar." Duncan 07/07/2014
Photo Reg Kerr's Post Office Hotel
"Hi ,My Dad found this photo dated about 1920 and we were curious about the location of Reg,J.Kerr's Post Office Hotel.
The Model T Ford in the photo was on a demonstration tour to rural Australia extolling the virtue's of being able to convert the T to the Eros Mak-a-tractor."Does the work of 4 strong draught horses."The person standing alongside the T is my grandfather who was part of the demonstration and sales team.
We were wondering if the location can be identified, there are quite a few Post Office Hotels in Australia and I have looked at quite a few in NSW and Qld but have not been able to spot any locations that look similar. I must admit it was fun looking for the locations on your site and when I have more time I will do some more exploring. Regards, Peter"
Hopefully someone will recognise, - Ed.
Photo courtesy Peter Goodman, Many Thanks"
M V Nolan
Good afternoon,
Amongst some very old negatives that have come to light in a box is one of a hotel.
Unfortunately the name is not in the negative.
But on the top of the building is the name M V NOLAN.
The photo/negative looks to be about the 1920's judging by the cars parked at the front.
Can you please let me know, if indeed you can find out, where this hotel is located, or was located.
Thank you for your time. R
Thats debateable?
I have encountered two apparent uses for the phrase "pub debate." One seems to refer to public debate, while the other refers to debate in a Pub. I wonder whether both origins are actually related, and also whether one is more "correct." All opinions would be welcome.
cheers J.
Thanks J. Interested to see what sort of response you get. I can help by confusing things even more.. What if "Pub Debate" refered originally to debates in the Public Bar of a Pub, whereas a debate in a different part of the Pub may have been a "Saloon Debate" in a Pub in Public. arrgh brain fade. ed.
New South Wales
New South Wales is the birthplace of Australian Pubs with the oldest license still trading being the "Woolpack" in Parramatta (April 1796) which at one stage moved across the road.
Former Baden Powell Hotel - Redfern
"I have been researching my Family History and found my Uncle (Gordon Fitzroy Woodlands) was listed in the 1933 & 1936 Electoral Rolls as Licensee of the Baden Powell Hotel.
Do you have any records to confirm this and if you had any other information, it would be appreciated." Graeme.
Thanks Graeme will pass on any info that is sent in.
Club House Hotel' and the "Great Western Hotel - Cowra
I am looking for the following two pubs that were operable in 1902; they were the 'Club House Hotel' and the "Great Western Hotel'. The reason for my enquiry is that my great grand Uncle Maurice John Lee was the publican in both pubs, not at the same time. There is a very sad tale to tell about his demise, after returning from the Boer War with typhoid and going to Cowra to recuperate and be with his sisters, he was shot dead in the Club House Hotel by a woman when he refused to marry her in 1902. There is so much written about the whole sordid affair throughout Australia and New Zealand.
I have looked at your web site and of course the pubs are not called by those names - do you know if they are still around and if so what are they called now?
You might find this fanciful but I had a very realistic dream that in the cellar of one of these pubs is a small rusty tin box under a whole lot of rubbish and inside are lots of personal details on Maurice John Lee, more often he preferred to be called John rather than Maurice (actually don't blame him)! My dream was so strong I am very curious to say the least. Many of these country pubs kept on their walls a great deal of historical memorabilia so if there is anything about Maurice 'hanging' around I would be most grateful.
If you want to know the full story and history, just look up TROVE Newspapers either under Maurice John Lee and/or Ethel Herringe. There are heaps of articles regarding the subject matter. By the way, there are still members of the Herringe family living in Cowra today."
Anyone have any ideas?
Gulgong NSW
Photo: Centennial Hotel: Gary Bell
Centennial Hotel Gulgong / History ?? "Dear G Day Pubs , Can anyone provide details of this Country Pub , such as former Licensees that may include one of our McManus Family ,but not sure of the time line .
Many thanks Norman Field / Wollongong area "
Gday Norman
John McManus was Publican of the The Centennial Hotel Gulgong 1903 - 05
Albert View Hotel, Redfern
"Hi. Do you know if the Albert View Hotel is still standing? It was located at the corner of Redfern and Walker street in Redfern. My great grandfather's brother owned or was publican of the Albert View from around 1894 to 1914 (not exactly sure of the time frame). Do you know where I can find out more of its history?
Any info appreciated, Cheers, Chris Stewart"
Looking at streetview there is no hotel building at that intersection now. Will post a blog and see what response we get. We also have a number of general books about sydney pubs so will have a look through and see what I can find. Other than that there is the state library or local historical associations.
Many Thanks for your email. Cheers, Ed
Unknown Quay Street Pub
"I think your site is great I am looking for the name of a hotel on Quay Street Sydney.
It was between the First and Last and the Ship Inn can you help please.
Cheers Vicki"
Thanks Vicki , hopefully someone knows and will let us know.
"This could be the Paragon Hotel, Alfred Street, Circular Quay (Corner of Loftus Street)" - Jon Graham
Baden Powell Hotel, Redfern, Sydney
"Hello, Looking at your great site and was wondering if you had any knowledge of the Lord Baden Powell Hotel in Sydney maybe in the Parramatta Road or Redfern area
Best Wishes - Larraine"
"The Baden Powell Hotel was situated on the corner of Regent and James Streets, Redfern NSW 2016. I had a few beers there over the years. The pub closed as a pub in 1970's – 1980's. I used to drive past the pub on my way to work every morning, saying to myself "I must take a photo of the pub before it goes." That never happened. The hotel was demolished overnight in the late 1980's. I stand corrected on these dates."
Beers and cheers, Jon
"Thanks for that info My Great Grandfather apparently built that hotel and others around Sydney according to family folklore though I think he may have held the Licence for them at some time he was an Architect " - Cheers Larraine
Thanks Jon - Does anyone have a photo of the Pub before it was torn down??
CBD Hotel, Sydney City
Enquiring about the name of a Pub on the corner of King & York Street in the late 70s diagonal to the Forbes Hotel and opposite The Grace Hotel. This pub is now called the CBD pub, any info would be great.
As it is racking my brain the owner of the pub said it used to be a book shop, and before that a bank, but before the bank it was a Pub I used to drink at in the late 70s.
Thanks again. Debra
Good question Debra, Jon thinks it was a pub in the 70's as well. Looking into it.
Does anyone else know??? Cheers
Native Youth Hotel (Bridge Hotel Pyrmont)
Pyrmont Bridge Hotel
18 February 2010
"Hi there, came across your site looking for information about the Native Youth Hotel, Pyrmont. My great great grandfather Thomas O'Brien was the publication of this Hotel till his death in 1875, but I thought he was there earlier than you have in your information on this Hotel.
You state that it was established in 1870, but Sands Directory has him living at this Hotel in 1861. I wonder if you have any more information on Native Youth Hotel. Any information will be gratefully received
Elizabeth Royle "
Perhaps it was a private Hotel before that date. Will see what we can find out.
Cheers Ed
Ocean View Hotel, Dudley - Newcastle
Enoch Heath Hotel, Photo guessing probably 1890's
Photo submitted by Warren & Merrillie Whittake, Many Thanks
Hello John,
I have always been told that my great grandfather Enoch Heath used to own a Hotel in Dudley...He came out to Australia from England on "La Hogue" ship with his wife Annie nee.Gibbs and their seven children...they were to have four more in Australia. They came out to Australia in October, 1878.
Is there any way I could find out if they owned the pub. I have a very old picture of the pub and I think it matches the Ocean View Pub. My picture has a paddington lace verandah across the front of the Pub.
My email address is ..(Please request)
Would be greatful of any information at all.
This is the photo I have of the Hotel many years ago. It may not show anything it is very old."
Warren & Merrillie Whittaker
Does anyone have any information, thanks heaps. The old photo of the Pub below is named The Enoch Heath Hotel, So that may have been an early name.
Just to let you know I found a photo of my GGGrandfather on your website. A relative of mine had in some family history notes that Enoch Heath ran a pub in Dudley (Newcastle). When I was searching I found Gdaypubs and lo and behold there he was and the Ocean View Hotel. The first time I have seen a photo of him. Most excited. I can't wait to show my Mum and other family members. Next time I'm in Newcastle I'll be sure to have a drink there.
Thanks Ann"
River Royal Inn - Morpeth
River Royal Inn
Hi John,
My name is Terry, I'm a chef in a pub called the River Royal Inn formerly the Royal Hotel in Morpeth NSW.
I am trying to do a pictorial history of the pub for our guests & am having trouble finding information.
Any help you could offer in the way of resources ie weblinks etc. would be much appreciated.
Thanking you in advance, Terry
If anyone has any information please let us know. Cheers John
Most northern Pub in NSW
Photo: Dolphins Hotel
Hi there,
I am wondering if you would be good enough to clear a matter up for me so we don't continue to talk about it for ever (nearly) at our local watering hole
QUESTION, which is the most northern pub in NSW (not the closest to the border)
Things get quiet interesting when one takes a straight line from Tweed Heads & then take into account that the border line heading south east to Mungindi.
Thanks for your time & look forward to hearing from you
You run a great site over & over
Ken Sims
Hi Ken
Thanks , there's good question right there. I will put up on Gday Pubs and see what opinions we get back on this.
For mine I would like to have a really interesting answer for you, like a lesser known outback Pub somewhere on the border, but I would think it is the Dolphins Hotel in Tweed Heads. -28.1700865997 Lat A great Pub of course in its own right.
As the border heads west it seems to head south, e.g. Woodenbong Pub Lat -28.38930582
Thanks for the feedback on the site. Much appreciated. Will let you know what other input we get from visitors to the site.
Cheers Ed.
Does anyone have a different thought on his? Cheers.
Lansdowne Hotel Chippendale
Photo: Old Lansdowne Hotel, 15/10/1925. - Jon Graham
posted 13/11/09
"Hi John
I was just wanting some information on the Landsdowne hotel corner of Bay and George st Sydney
In the 1860's my GG Grandfather had a lease on a hotel called The Huntmans Inn on opposite corner where Grace bros stood ..I did do a little research and found out when Grace Bros pulled it down it was called The Dollar Hotel.
But on John Grahams site it says that the Landsdowne Hotel was pulled down and Grace Bros offered to build it on opposite corner in the deal .Can you tell me if this is right.
I want it for my personal family history
It has come down by my great Aunt to where her Mother was brought up in the Huntmans Inn, Bay and Parramatta road. Broadway
Could you help with sorting this out.
regards Liz"
Hi Liz,
Regarding the former Lansdowne Hotel, my information was that Grace Bros. wished to extend their store and purchased the Hotel and then had the Hotel demolished
and built the new Lansdowne Hotel. I don't know what the financial arrangements were.
I will try to find out some more info for you. I have attached a photo of the old Lansdowne Hotel, taken on 15/10/1925.
Best Wishes, Jon Graham Gday
Pubs Site listing
Commercial Hotel Barraba
Commercial Hotel
post 04/10/2009
I just love your sight it's great..........................now I believe my g/g/grandfather Richard Thame or his wife Mary were the original licence's of The Commercial Hotel Barraba, can you help me find out for sure or point me in the right direction to do so....Mary Thame also held the license of Flower Pot Hotel 147/181 York Street Sydney 1880/1885 and then the license of Town Hall Hotel St Johns Road Forest Lodge 1887, any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated Beverley Prouting
205 William Street Sydney
Rob Roy Hotel c 1930
Hi There
You have a great site, I have come across it a couple of times in my family history searches and really like the way you have set it out.
I am wondering if you knew if there had been a Hotel at 205 William Street Sydney around 1909. At the moment there is one called Hotel Formula 1,on 191-205 William Street but I am unable to find any history regarding it.
My other interest is the former Rob Roy in Balmain, it seems to have had a very colourful past- my interest is around 1915.
I live in New Zealand so am only able to access information via the internet-hence my e-mail to you
Hope you are able to help
Regards, Dianne Jeffries
Prince of Wales Hotel
Sydney History
I'm doing some family history research and an ancestor that I am tracing was apparently declared insolvent as a licensed victualler of the Prince of Wales Hotel, Castelreagh Street in 1875-1876. (This is according to the State Records of NSW Insolvency Index). Her name was Rosanna Matilda Lawrence.
I'm impressed with your site, but can't find a Prince of Wales Hotel in Castlereagh St. Have seen the one in Newtown on your site, but this was not renamed until 1882.
Can you help or any suggestions as to where I can look?
Chris Barrett
I have had a look at the City of Sydney Archives but can't find a Prince of Wales Hotel in Castlereagh Street. There was one at 744 George Street in the 1950's.
Jon Graham
Hi John,
Thanks very much for looking and I now have kinda a bit more information. I got the married certificate of Roseanna Shearman today and on it it said that the man she married was Richard Samuel Lawrence (Sometimes spelt Laurence)and his occupation was Publican, also guess what Roseanna's father was William, occupation Publican.
Maybe I can find something by tracing publicans for the 1860's, but how do I go about this.
Hope that you can help please
Ta Muchly Chris Barrett
Hi Chris
These contact details may assist. It is where we would go next. Please let us know if you have any success. Good Luck
State Records NSW
Enquiries (02) 9673 1788
143 O'Connell St
Kingswood NSW 2747
Fax (02) 9833 4518
Sydney Records Centre
2 Globe Street, The Rocks
Western Sydney Records Centre
143 O'Connell Street, Kingswood
Best Regards
Photo: Sedgers Reef Hotel
hi , I was wondering if you could help me , I live in England i have been doing my family tree , and I believe there i believe that the SEDGER FEEF HOTEL may be one of my Relations My GT GT GT Grandmother was a Racheal SEDGER They lived in ROTHERHITHE and Her father was a SHIPWRIGHT and owned a FEW propertys in ROTHERHITHE STREET , If you can help with any information i would be very grateful, yours faithfully, linda Harris
Hope we get a response for you, cheers ED
Albion Hotel, Armidale
Hi, my name is Julie and I am looking for the Albion Hotel, Armidale.
Are you able to tell me if it was renamed or destroyed or whatever?
I am doing my family history and my grandfather lived in that hotel according to the 1930 electoral roll.
I am curious to see what it looked like.
Thanks, Table of knowledge shall be duly convened.Ed
Belfields Hotel
Belfield Hotel, Belfield Sydney. Photo Jon Graham
Hi John,
I have a silver tankard engraved Belfields Hotel & am interested in trying to find out any history associated with it.I live in Hobart Tasmania & would appreciate any info you could give me.I had a great aunt who lived in Sydney for some time in the early 1930s & this is the only link I could imagine if this tankard did originate in Sydney.
I don't know if there ever was a hotel of that name in Tasmania.
Kind regards
Peter Docking
Two probable candidates. Either the Former Belfields Hotel in Sydney City or the Belfield Hotel in Belfield Sydney. Perhaps there is a clue on the tankard as to which it is. Cheers. Ed
Wellington Inn
Hello, My ancestor Joseph Nettleton was a Publican of the Wellington Inn (Sydney area) in the early 1820s - the only address I can find is George St - which could be Sydney or Parramatta. He was also Publican of the Halfway House Inn (near the now Pyrmont) in 1826. I am trying to locate the Wellington Inn and would appreciate any help. Gaye
Newcastle Pub
Former Royal Hotel Photo 1959 submitted by Jon Graham, Many Thanks
There was a hotel on a triangular site at the corner of Hunter, Darby and Burwood Streets in Newcastle city that was still trading say in 1965, but is now long gone. I sense that it was called the Royal, or the name had 'royal' in it. Can anyone help out there? Barry
Hello Barry,
According to my information it was the Royal Hotel was on the corner of Hunter and Darby Streets, Newcastle. The hotel has been demolished and a Telstra building now occupies the site.
Below is a 1959 photograph of a Newcastle pub which I believe to be the Royal Hotel. Jon Graham
Many thanks Jon for confirming what I suspected!! By the way, it had a lot of others stumped too!
Another pub that has changed its name is the 'Lucky Country' on the corner of Hunter and Crown. I sense that in the 1950s it was called the Orient, but now I am not so sure. Any ideas?
When I tell people that the 'Civic Hotel' was called 'Stones Federal Hotel', people scoff because there is also a 'Federal Hotel' up the road at the Auckland Street corner. I know that I am right when I say that it was originally 'Stones Federal Hotel', but it would be nice if you would confirm that for me.
Hello Barry,
The Lucky Country Hotel, corner of Hunter and Crown Streets was recently closed by the Police (about October 30th 2008). The hotel was due to close about two weeks later but the Police closed the hotel earlier fearing a repeat of the Star Hotel riot. The Hotel was established c1925 as the Oxford Hotel, with a name change to the Tower Tavern c 1977. I have it listed in my 1990 Licencing Index as The Lucky Country. Also listed is Stones Federal Hotel, 417 Hunter Street.
I hope that this information is of use to you and good luck with the book.
Advance Australia Hotel, Wagga
G'day Gaz,
I am trying to find out what became of a hotel we used to frequent in Wagga in 1972 when I was posted there with the
RAAF. The hotel was called the Advance or Advance Australia
hotel. The only one that looks like it is the The Duke but I'm not sure. Can you shed any light on this? *Terry*
Obviously not listed (yet) on the Gdaypubs.com.au website, but it does appear from www.wagga.nsw.gov.au/www/html/2434-cec-toy-and-the-australian-hotel.asp that there was BOTH an *Australian Hotel* as well as an *AdvanceAustralia Hotel*:
"......Cec came to Wagga Wagga and on 6 March 1939, with his wife Kathleen 'Kath' bought the lease of the Wagga Hotel (SE corner Baylis and Edward Streets). In 1941 he bought the freehold of the Australian Hotel, Fitzmaurice Street, and later bought the Advance Australia Hotel (east side of Baylis Street) from Henry McDonough, which he conducted under management.
Cec retained ownership of the
Australian Hotel until its sale (for remodeling) in 1963. ...... Terry, I see in Albury there was an Advance Australia Hotel, which became the Australian Hotel, but these days is the Soden's Australia Hotel Motel (see:
www.sodens.com.au/History2.html) . I know that is a different town, but not far south of Wagga.
Anyway I spoke to Soden's (Josh) who put me onto a chap: Trevor Jones who manages the Home Tavern Hotel in Wagga. Trevor introduced me to the freehold owner of the Home Hotel: Dennis Wickham (69273015) who has owned the hotel for 18 years now, and knows most of the town.
He knows the Advance Australia Hotel was well down south in Baylis Street, but unfortunately, it has been pulled down for many mnay years now. So you may have been amongst the last to enjoy its hospitality in 1972.
Whilst the main street (Fitzmaurice St at the north, becoming Baylis Street heading south) boasted something in excess of 20-30+ hotels in the past, (but I haven't looked up the historical records, but it was a lot!), Dennis informs me that the main street of the town, now has only 8 hotels these days, and naturally his is one of the best: Home Tavern Hotel at the top (north) end. The remaining hotels in the main street, from north to south, still in operation are:
- Bridge Hotel
Home Tavern Hotel
- Duke of Kent Hotel
- Tourist Hotel
- Romano's Hotel
(over the lagoon to:)
- Union Club Hotel
- The Victoria Hotel
- The Astor
So I hope this throws some light on your enquriy.
Many thanks, it has been a great help and also very prompt reply. I never expected to hear anything this quick. I was afraid that demolition may have been the case as it was a very old, very basic hotel in those days (probably why we liked it), and I couldn't find anything in the whole length of the main street that looked familiar enough.
Gday All
With regard to Wagga, according to a map I have, "Names and Locations of Wagga Wagga and District Hotels from Nov. 1847 to 1978" The Advance Australia Hotel was in the centre of the block on the eastern side of Baylis Street between Tompson and Morrow Streets. Jon
Note from Ed.
At one stage there were 29 Pubs if you did the Main street from the cattleyards to the railway station and back the other side of the street. Now that's a Pub Trail
From Greg
I have just been reading your great site and noted the query re the "Advance" in Wagga Wagga, NSW. I lived at the hotel for a time in 1976, it was then run by an older couple Bill & May Stubbs who were most likely the last "mine hosts". It was before Sunday trading was introduced but had a very healthy Sunday "session" for those in the know. A great old pub it was knocked around 1978 to make way for a new Myer store which now stands on the site.
Keep up the good work
Thanks Greg - ed
Cricketers Arms Hotel
Photo: Mystery Cricketers Arms
Hi, Found this Hotel in some old photos - I think this one was somewhere around Bathurst (I think this has been demolished.
Would be great if any one could shed some light on this one.
I don't think any of my relatives ran this one. Sharon Duncombe
We'll see what we can find out.
Station Hotel" in Orange?
Photo: Courtesy "Orange and District – A History in Pictures"
A great site! but a question: Whatever happened to "The Station Hotel" in Orange? The 1936 Electoral Roll showed that my uncle worked there and since I haven't visited the area for many years I can't place it. Is it still in business and/or has it had a name change? And another thing where can I get a picture of it?
Many thanks, in anticipation,
Roy Longman.
Does anyone know? The Great Western Hotel is opposite the Rail Station so it may be a contender or the Pub may have gone.
From Jon Graham
"According to a book I have, Orange and District – A History in Pictures the only hotel in Orange with Station in the name was the Station House Hotel. A scan of the hotel is attached. "
-Many thanks Jon for your prompt reply and the attached pic of "The Station House" hotel......of course it was.. It couldn't have been much closer to the railway station. Perhaps that's where the first Stationmaster lived before his house was built.
Thanks. Roy
New Hunter River Hotel
Big House Hotel 1991. Now New Hunter River
I am looking for as much info as I can get on the new hunter river hotel as my grandfather Frederick William Dineen was the proprietor
in the early 1900's .
I hope you can help me as i am finding very difficult find this info on the web. Regards Breck
Town Hall Hotel Balmain
Photo submitted by Jon Graham, Many Thanks
Could someone be kind enough to give further details re the Town Hall Hotel Balmain ( Corner of Darling and Montague st), if not where can I find further details. I would like to get details on when the hotel was built, was there a balcony attached when established, who established the hotel etc etc.
Regards Karen
Gday Karen. From Jon - Table of Knowledge
Established (opened) in 1879 as the Town Hall Hotel. The original verandah was scrapped when the Town Hall Hotel was renovated in 1930.
The original verandah disappeared when the hotel was substantially rebuilt at a
cost of (Pounds) 10,160 following its purchase by Tooths Brewery in 1930. The licencee in 1887 was a George Miller.
Newcastle and Kotara
There was a pub in Hunter st Newcastle called the Blue Peter, not sure if the name was changed to Centenial,also A pub called the Empire hotel .in the west end now closed..and used as a squat. Also the Hunter hotel, opposite the old Strand picture show all these pubs where opened in the late 1970s now shut Also there was a pub on Newcastle beach called the Golden Sands not sure the year closed.
John been searching the net for a pub called The Bel Air hotel Situated at Kotara Nsw the year it closed. I think it was in the late 1980s early 90s A Tab And KFC fast food outlet took is place If some one knows would like to now the year .
Have a several people interested in this with a few side bets rinding on it;
Cheers, Tony
Sounds serious. The Table of Knowledge is on it like a fly on a picnic. Jon wants to know, do we get a cut on a winning result?
Latest news is that the Pub opened 1962-64 and closed 1988. There is a McDonalds on the former site. - Jon. Thanks Jon -Ed
Which NSW Inns???
Photo 27/05/2004.
Photo Jon Graham, Many Thanks
Hi, I'm tracing my family tree and was told that relatives were inn keepers. Is there anyway of finding out what inns they had and where?
I know that some of the inns they ran are no longer in existence as I'm talking about 1860's -1880's.
Issac White supposedly ran an inn in the Central Tablelands area of NSW sometime around 1863 and James Tanner supposedly owned a hotel in Carcoar NSW approx 1874ish to 1884ish. In both these cases I have no idea of the name of the inn or hotel just rough idea of area. Thanks, Jo
From "Table of Knowledge" NSW rep, Jon Graham.
I quote from the book, "Notes for Your Walking Tour of Historic Carcoar" written by Chris Dent. c1999 "Boxhall's Inn", "Court House Hotel". built in 1870.
Nowadays a private residence, the Hotel's founding Licencee was James TANNER, who sold out to George BOXHALL in 1882. The hotel ceased trading in 1892.
This striking single-story brick building has two cement-rendered parapets at each end of the deep verandah, two entrance doors off the verandah, and a front picket fence. A feature is the steeply pitched galvanised-iron roof and the two dormer windows visible externally at the front, while at the rear colonial outbuildings are visible"
Thanks Jon. Brilliant. We will keep an eye out for info on the Tablelands Connection
Time and Tide
Many years ago I was in a Workers club in Sydney, which had the old stainless steel foot rest running along the base of the bar for the full length. The only difference to many bars with this was that it had water running in it. When I enquired why, I was told that in the old days the workers would come into the bar to knock back a few schooners in their lunch break and so as to not loose time going to the dunny would piss in the trough? The barman may have been taking the piss out of me but did tell me this was common throughout Australia once.
I have retold the story to some Poms I am working with here in India and they think I am a wanker.
Help, need some back up here??
That barman might have some old stories mixed up or possibly "taking the piss". Apparently in the days of the 6 o'clock swill when the bars were 10 deep, it was common for drinkers to piss at the bar so they didn't have to loose their space at the bar and go to the back of the mob. Certainly not a lunch time activity though.
Information courtesy Jon, Thanks Jon
Islington Hotel
Former Islington/Parkview Hotel pic from 1959
This is the Pub that she is talking about. I believe that it was called the Islington Hotel before being renamed the Parkview.
- Pic from Glenn Ryan to Jon Graham courtesy Newcastle Museum
Hope you might help. I am doing my genealogy. My great grandfather was John Murphy. He ran The Sportsmans Arms in Hamilton NSW 1880-1881. I have no further information. I was wondering if you could tell me how to research information needed
Any information would be appreciated
Does anyone have a clue, Thanks - Ed
I suggest that you could contact the Newcastle City Library and make enquires with them. They would also be able to advise you of any local history groups in the area who might be able to help you. Here is the link to the library. www.newcastle.nsw.gov.au
I wish you well in your search. Jon Graham
- Thanks Jon
Kurrajong Heights Hotel history
Photo: Kurrajong Heights Hotel
I'm trying to dig up some info/history on the above pub as I lived there as a small boy with my parents who I believe were the publicans or owners? of the pub, around the early 50's.
I also heard it burnt down many years ago.
Any info would be appreciated. James
This is the only info I have on the pub. Maybe he could contact Richmond Council Library or Archives for more info.
Kurrajong Heights Hotel Motel (Lic. No. 121873), 1349 Bells Line of Road, North Richmond NSW 2759 02 4567 7140 Rebuilt after a fire on the mid 1970's.
PD. 07/05/2004.
Rose Hotel, South Sydney
Native Rose Hotel 1994 now the Rose Hotel, Chippendale. photo Jon G
I learnt that my Great-g-grandfather (Andrew Green) owned a hotel in Darlington named the Native Rose which was sold by the family in 1895. In all likelihood the present Rose hotel at 54 Cleveland Street, Chippendale (formerly Darlington) is on the site of the Native Rose. According to South Sydney Council records the Rose was built inter war circa 1923. Where can I obtain information on the original hotel, information on the licensee circa 1880 etc. Any information or photographs would be appreciated.
Photo: Family Hotel
I am doing a family tree and at the moment I am trying to get as much information from the past as possible.
My great grandfather, James Murphy,lived in Bathurst and reputedly built and became the licensee of the Family Hotel. The date ties in with the information I have. Would you have any history of the hotel and its licensee's.
He was married to an Ann Malcolm and afterwards to my great grandmother, Prudence.
Any information you can send me would be greatly appreciated.
Rae Casey.
If you have any information for Ray it would be appreciated
From Jon Graham
To Rae Casey, re the Family Hotel, Bathurst NSW 2795. Publican James Murphy. The hotel was established in 1858.
Contact the
Bathurst District Historical Society,
East Wing, Bathurst Court House,
Russell Street,
Bathurst NSW 2795
02 6332 4755 Fax 02 6334 3932
Newcastle Pubs
Photo: Grand Hotel, Newcastle, Photo 2004 Jon G
I am currently researching Newcastle Pubs for a future book.
Address is PO Box 8014 Summerland Point 2259 Telephone number available from Gday Pubs
All contributions would be correctly referenced and acknowledged
Richard Milne.
Torrington Hotel
Former Torrington Hotel
I am currently researching my father's family and have just found out that his Grandfather, "Ted" Edward Taylor and his three sons apparently built the Torrington Pub in Torrington, NSW. Family member confirms the Pub was still standing circa 1989 to 1993.
Wanting to know if there was another Hotel in the town at any stage on a different site? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Regards and Cheers. Jeff
Ed. We think the Former Torrington Hotel is the only Pub it could be but may find out differently If someone remembers another.
Stagecoach Inn
Photo 1999 from Jon Graham. Horse and Jockey Hotel - Parramatta Rd Homebush, Looking for earlier pics of the Hotel? Ed.
I'm attempting to find a photo of a pub (a Stagecoach Inn) in my local area before it was demolished and re-built next door to the original pub. This pic of Sharon's (Loomes Pubs and Unknown Hotel)is interesting as branches of the Loomes family lived and died in my area. There is a slim chance that this old mysterious photo may be the pub/inn I'm seeking yet only slim. Dave
The hotel I'm searching for is the Halfway House Hotel/Inn at Homebush on Parramatta Road. Originally opened by Edward Powell in 1810, visited by Gov Lachlan Macquarie in his journals. Old maps show the hotel was moved and re-built next door to the original Inn in the 1880's. Three stages of this pub. Originally built by Edward Powell as the Halfway House Hotel in 1810. Rented for a number of years as a private residence after Powell's death. In the 1840's re-opened by an ex-convict James Kerwin who was known as Jimmy (Jemmy) the Jockey. He changed the name of the original building to the Horse & Jockey. Kerwin died in the mid 1850's. The original pub probably went through re-builds before the sub-division of the land in the 1880's. The old pub knocked down and a new pub of the same name built next door. I have a wonderful pic of Horse & Jockey 2, in 1902. Then that pub suffered a fire and was re-built in Art Decco style in the 1920's as it is now still trading.
The original pub was a landmark between Parramatta & Sydney and mentioned many times in old journals as a place of bushranger attacks nearby and yet a safe stopover yet no descriptions of it has been found so far. It survived into the late 1870's and was probably re-built through this time from a humble Inn before being scrapped and re-built next door where it is now.
I'm probably clutching at straws through my research finding a depiction of the pub in any of it's stages from 1810 to 1870 yet I am trying.
Royal Hotel Woodstock
Hi,I came across this question on your site when googling a game at Woodstock Hotel: Anyway I found a pic of the game in the odd chance that you may still have Tara's contact details. See attached.
Mitch Wyatt
Brilliant, thanks Mitch, yep I think that's the game Ed
Royal Hotel Woodstock, photo Jon G,
Hi Guys, i've just stumbled onto your website and i have to say, well done lads.
I was wondering if you could help me get a photo of a game thats on the wall of the royal hotel in woodstock NSW.
I was driving through Woodstock a couple years ago and decided to spend the afternoon at the royal hotel which turned out to be one of the best afternoons i've ever had the beer was cold, there was no waiting for service, friendly locals and there was a unique old game on the wall.
Its a box with a glass front and you put a twenty cent coin in the slot, it rolls down these angled ramps with gaps in them and the aim is to tap the coin hard enough to get past the gaps to the other side without losing your coin. it was one of those simple but entertaing games that you can play over and over. i've recently tried to find something similar but i've had no luck. i've searched the web and found nothing had a good look at all number of antique stores and come up empty every time.
So i've come to the conclusion that i'll just have to make one myself to put in my bar. you guys seem to be in touch with most of the out of the way pubs, when i typed in the royal hotel woodstock, yours was the only website that popped up.
I live in Perth now and as much as i'd love another lazy afternoon at woodstocks finest i really think its a bit far to go. if you could perhaps ask your contacts there if they could take a couple photos of the game and email them to me I would be over the moon. ............
I know this probably isn't a typical sort of request but I'd be really stoked if you could help me out.
thanks and keep up the good work with your website,
Have contacted the people I know who have taken pics of the Royal but they probably didn't take a pic of the coin/box game. I know the one. Simple yet strangely compelling. Hopefully someone reading this will grab a pic on the way past next. Cheers
Sydney City Publican
Quarrymans Hotel, Pyrmont
Family folklore has it that my Great grandmother had hotels in Pyrmont/Ultimo and Darlington. She was married several times, so her name would have been Margaret Murray, Margaret Naughton or Margaret Harris.
Is anyone able to help with the names and addresses of her pubs?
With regard to the pub connection, the name Margaret Harris could ring a bell. The Quarryman's Arms Hotel was built by George Harris who owned land in Pyrmont and was the Mayor of Sydney at one time. Harris Street, Pyrmont is named after him. This info is off the top of my head.
The Wedge
Halfway House Hotel
The Wedge
First and Last Hotel
Photo date 09/05/1955.
Courtesy City of Sydney Archives.
I was hoping you could help me find a name of and old hotel in Pyrmont near the fish markets
It was on the corner of Miller st and Bank st ,Blackwattle bay ,we called it the Wedge as it was triangular shape , near the cement wharf ,we used to tie up there in the late 60s/70s.
Gratefull for any help Regards Paul.
Seated at the Table of Knowledge: Jon G
Attached is the only photo of the Halfway House Hotel, Corner of Miller and Bank Streets, Pyrmont NSW 2009 that I can find at the moment. I have had quite a few beers in the pub and, of course, it was an early opener. It was known for the annual thong clapping competition that was held there. The pub was demolished in the 1980-1990's for the building of the Anzac Bridge.
Information from the photo.
Miller Street, looking west from Harris Street. In the foreground terraces 81-105 Miller Street, Swadling & Sons, Timber Merchants, In the background Halfway House Hotel left and the Silo right. Photo date 09/05/1955.
Courtesy City of Sydney Archives.
The pub's name originates from the Glebe Island Bridge (still there but it is not used and is left open so that the ships can still access Blackwattle Bay.)
Aka First and Last Hotel It was the first pub when you were travelling into the city and last one when you were travelling west.
Thank you for all your help with this matter, I have had a few in the Half house as well my ship MV BURWAH used to tie up opposite the pub at the cement wharf . again many thanks as you have put my mind at rest . Paul.
Loomes Pubs and Unknown Hotel
Photo: Can you identify this Hotel? Let us know.
From SharronD.
Going through old photos of my Grandmothers and found this picture of a hotel.
Most of the hotels my relatives had photos of we knew the names off but this one has us mystified.
My grandfather was the licence of the Breadalbane Hotel NSW and his sister and brother-in-law have the licence to the Binalong Hotel NSW in the 1920's.
They also had the licence to the Family Hotel at Rydalmere NSW also the Emu Inn at Chippendale/.
The family name is Loomes.
How do I find out exact years when they held the licences to the hotels or any other information they can be required on hotels.
If any one could help identifiy the photo this would be greatly appreciated.... SharronD
From Dave
I'm attempting to find a photo of a pub (a Stagecoach Inn) in my local area before it was demolished and re-built next door to the original pub. This pic of Sharon's is interesting as branches of the Loomes family lived and died in my area. There is a slim chance that this old mysterious photo may be the pub/inn I'm seeking yet only slim.
Judging from the low res shot on your website, the pic was taken around the 1880's as there is a telegraph pole in the shot. The dress of the ladies and gents, as well as a figure on horseback, suggest around 1870/1890.
From Jon Graham
Pic below right
The Emu Inn, corner of Regent and Outram Streets, Chippendale NSW PD. c1913. The Licencee in 1913 was Alfred J. Loomes and the licencee before him was W.R. Loomes.
The Emu Inn Pic 1913 submitted by Jon Graham. Pictures courtesy Council of the City of Sydney.
Alfred Loomes was Licencee at the time
The oldest Australian pub to stay in the hands of the one family?
Sir George Tavern, Jugiong
Was wondering whether or not you know if the Sir George Tavern in Jugiong, NSW, is the oldest pub to stay in the hands of one family, the Sheahan family. John Philip Sheahan built it in 1845 (rebuilt in 1852)and it has been run by Sheahan's ever since. Is there any other Pub which has been run by a family for longer than this?
Thank You C.L.
Thanks C.L. Cannot confirm but would be very surprised if there was an older continuous family holding, so its good to know about the St George in Jugiong. It is widely held to hold that honour and I and others in know believe it to be the case. The Tienans also confirmed it to me.
Can confirm this much. None older in Qld.
The oldest continuous family holding in Qld is the Tiernan family at the Australian Hotel in Murgon from 1912. The Tiernans have had this confirmed by Castlemaine Perkins as they have had no account in the same name from an earlier period.
In NSW the oldest continuous license is the Surveyor General in Berrima from the early 1830's. Do not believe the Surveyor General has stayed in the same family and do not know of another continuous license dating pre 1845 so most likely the Sir George is the oldest family holding in NSW. That being the case it sounds like you are right about the Sir George Tavern in Jugiong for Australia wide. Not many Pubs in Victoria that could be older. Hope we can get a more definitive response from the "Matter of Fact" readers.
Gday Pubs
....first woman in New South Wales or Australia to hold a publican's licence
I've been told that my ancestor was the first woman in New South Wales or Australia to hold a publican's licence. Her husband came out with the Second Fleet as a con but she was a free woman. The surname was Ezzy - I would like to know what the name of the pub, where it was and when she held the licence.
Murgon, Queensland
Hi there,
I'm writing a honours thesis on pubs, here is an extract from my research in answer to MA Murgon of Queensland.
In 1792, the first liquor license in Australia was granted to publican Thomas Reilby, yet it is a little known fact that his hotel was actually run solely by his wife, Mary. It has become increasingly apparent through my research that Mary Reilby was one of many women in the colonial period to run a pub, yet it seems that these pioneering female publicans are less publicised than their male counterparts. In 1797 Sarah Bird was the first woman to receive a liquor license citing her own name, and by 1896 twelve of the 96 licenses in Australia were held by women.
Amy-Louise Guthrie
Former Baden Powell Hotel - Redfern
"I have been researching my Family History and found my Uncle (Gordon Fitzroy Woodlands) was listed in the 1933 & 1936 Electoral Rolls as Licensee of the Baden Powell Hotel.
Do you have any records to confirm this and if you had any other information, it would be appreciated." Graeme.
Thanks Graeme will pass on any info that is sent in.
Mystery Newcastle Pub
From Val Rudkin" 2015
"I have attached a page from a booklet which I produced for Maitland & District Historical Society that contains a photo which is possibly the first "Volunteer." This building was demolished in 1939 and a new Volunteer completed and opened in 1940. Thirty years later the hotel and the adjoining large premises of Cappers were destroyed by fire and subsequently demolished and the land cleared. A building was later erected on the hotel site for the Hunter District Water Board."
"Here's a poser for you, seeing you are a bit of a pub man. What was the name of the pub on the corner of High and Hunter St in Maitland that was destroyed by fire when the Cappers Building beside it burnt down in 1971? It was the "something" Steer Hotel. - Dennis"
Dennis, How about the "Volunteer Hotel" :-) previously known as the Governor Bourke. Pic above.
"Great work mate, you are right. All I could see in a picture of the Maitland flood was half the word Volunteer with the N looking like an S so it looked like Steer but as soon as I read your email Volunteer clicked with my old memory bank. Great work mate, you are right. Thanks John"
Now worries, does anyone have a pic?
Up untill Queensland's Statehood in 1859, Queensland's Hotels operated under NSW issued licenses.
The first Hotels to be issued a Qld License were in 1868 in Gympie when a Gold strike by John Nash narrowly saved Queensland from bankruptcy and statehood resulted.
Grand Hotel Clermont
Would anyone have a photo of the Grand Hotel prior to the new Grand Hotel being built. The old Grand Hotel is a link to my family history research.
Thanks Susan Bowes
Photo: the current Grand Hotel.
Photo: courtesy Robert Aspinall.
Former Hector and Columbia Hotels
"Hi, I am looking for information or pictures on the following pubs/hotels:
Name- Hector Hotel
Address- Bouldercombe Rd, Rockhampton, QLD
Operating in - 1896, 1897 to ?
Publican - Mrs Conmee (used several Christian names: Ellen, Norah, Nellie etc)
Name - Columbia Hotel
Address - Castlereagh St, Sydney, NSW
Operating in - 1873, 1874 to ?
Publican - William Kavanagh
The publicans are ancestors of mine. Even recent photos (if the buildings are still standing) would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers Karen Smith"
Gday Karen - hope you get a response, we don't have any old pics as yet - Ed
I have recently learnt that one of my relatives(great grandmother) owned a pub in Charleville QLD but not sure which one.
Do you have information on previous owners of the hotels in Charleville?.
Her name was Lavinia Eliza Wells (Crain)she was married to a Samuel Jacob Wells and they were in the Cunnamulla /Charleville area in 1890, my grandmother (Eleanor Maude Wells)was born in Cunnamulla in 1890.
I hope you can help.
Regards. Gavin
Ed- Can anyone assist please.
"John, I am interested to have eMail contact with Gavin, who requested info about a hotel in Charleville owned by a great-grandmother of his in the late 1800's. My interest is that his grand-mother Eleanor Maude Wells was born in Cunnamulla in 1890. My mother , maiden name Pearl May Wells was born in Cunnamulla in 1886. If what I am thinking is correct - that my mother is his grand-mother's sister - then Gavin could be my cousin. (later) - This man, unknown to me is definitely an unknown cousin of mine.)
I cannot help him with the name of a woman owning a hotel at Charleville during that early period. Gertie Steer owned the School of Arts Hotel at Charleville in the early 30's" - Harry
- Hey Gavin , if you see this and would like Harry's email address please send an email to me. Cheers Ed
The oldest Pub in Queensland
Appolonian Hotel, Boreen Point. 2nd oldest Qld license.
Gday Pubs
Have heard that the oldest continually licensed QLD Pub is in Cabarlah. A.W
Thanks A.W. Yep. Cabarlah is just north of Toowoomba. The Pub there is called the Farmers Arms. Will follow that up and confirm for you . Good to know the oldest contiguously licensed Pub in Qld. Still chasing confirmation on the Oriental being first Pub and also the name of the first Pub licensed under Qld as a new State.
is a very good question. Crabbe from the Beauy Pub reckons the oldest Pub was the Oriental in Brisbane 1842. The oldest Pub after Queensland became a state in its own right is also of much debate.
The Apollonian in Boreen Point seems to be the 2nd oldest Queensland license and it was moved there with the building from Gympie.
It would make sense that the oldest should also be a Gympie Pub but that seems not to be the case as a lot of punters we have spoken too think that there was a Qld license issued before the eleven 1868 Gympie licenses and the Pub is somewhere near Ipswich. Any info on Queenslands oldest Pub and the first Pub after the split from NSW would be appreciated. Including Shanty Pubs.
The Bushmans Hotel at D'Aguilar
Photo: The Bushmans Hotel
was brought by bullock team from Gympie to Waraba creek and then to it's current location at D'Aguilar. The question is what was the name of the Pub when it was in Gympie. Our research in Gympie while there says that all the pre 1900 Pubs are accounted for. An educated guess at the Bar is it may have been called the "St George" but that is just a guess. Dave and the Crew at the Bushy would love to know if anyone knows the answer.
Cheers. Dave and Co at the Bushy
The first licenses were issued in 1836 and many more to 1843 but it is probable that none before 1842 still operate.
Unknown former Pub in Ouyen Victoria
Photo: Unknown Hotel . What was its name?
Does anyone know the story behind this building in Outen Victoria. - Stan Young, Loughton Essex, UK
Looks like it would have been a Pub before becoming a tea house. Does anyone know? Ed
Red Lion, Crown and Downs Hotels
"I am trying to find anything I can on the following hotels:
Red Lion Hotel - Dunolly, Victoria - My ancestor, Ellen Rebecca Crawn ( aka Croughan,Crahan,Chrahan,Chrawn,Crone,Craun), married Jeremiah Cullum on the 26 Jul 1872 at Dunolly, Victoria, and Jeremiah was the proprietor of the Red Lion Hotel in Dunolly.
The Crown Inn - Pontville, Tasmania - Another ancestor, James Crawn (aka, as above) married Rebecca Cox in 1829, and they were the Licensees of the Crown Inn from the 8 Oct 1841 until James died in 1848 and I believe that Rebecca was the Licensee after this with help from Mary Crahan (nee Monks and aka as above) another ancestor.
The Downs Hotel - Drayton, Queensland - My Grandfather, Kristian Isidor Efriam Engstrom was the Licensee of the Downs Hotel from sometime in 1937 until about 1939. (photo attached). - Robert"
Dear Sir,
In reference to the Red Lion Hotel in Dunolly, Tasmania. Jeremiah Cullum owned the Red Lion Hotel in Dunolly, VICTORIA.
Jeremiah married Ellen Rebecca Crowan in his house in Dunolly, Vic.
See attached Victorian Marriage Cert. No. 3270/1872.
Ellen was born in Pontville, Tasmania not Calcutta as the marriage cert. shows.
Jeremiah's sister Mary, was my Great Great Grandmother.
If you would like further info re Jeremiah's ownership of the Red Lion in Dunolly, Victoria, let me know please.
Starting with his birth in 1833 at Alderton, Suffolk and death from heatstroke in 1906 at Wilcannia, N.S.W. Jeremiah Cullum is a long story with three wives and their descendants.
Regards Graeme"
Pig and Whistle Hotel , Trentham East, Victoria
Pig and Whistle Hotel, Trentham East. Vic
Hi, I am interested in researching the history of my local pub, The Pig & Whistle Hotel, East Trentham, Victoria.
Where can I get some background information, for instance a list of former licensees, dates of building, licensing, etc?
Any advice would be much appreciated. Richard
Can anyone help ?? Thanks Ed
Little River Pub
Hi there, Just trying to find info / pictures re the Old Little River Hotel (also known as Little River Hotel, Bowling Green Hotel) . Seems to have been built in around 1870's... Would also like to know how I find who the liquour licencees were... Thanks, Tanya
Will try and find out Tanya. Someone reading this may know. BTW here is the site www.littleriverbedandbreakfast.com.au/. Very interesting. The former Pub and local railway station was used in Mad Max by the ToeCutter
- Ed
Grey Hotel
Photo:Grey Hotel Does anyone Know??
I am trying to find any information regarding a family photograph of "Grey Hotel". It is supposed to be in Victoria in the late 1800s. My great great grandparents Charles Harris is supposed to have owned it but I cannot find any trace of it It is a beautiful solid stone corner building, the family photo is in front of it with the bullock team.
Can you please help!!
Just a little background information that I have is that the Harris family, having sold the "Grey Hotel" were moving to Tumut NSW to start up a coach run between Tumut, Wagga & Junee.
My great great grandmother had sewn the money into the yoke of the bullock team in case they got held up by bushrangers. Sure enough they did on the trip over the border & she had kept a few shillings in her handkerchief just in case which she handed over to the bushranger & told him that it was all they had. The bushranger felt sorry for them & handed back the money plus a one pound note!! to help them along!! The Harris family was certainly shrewd or at least Granny was!!
Hope this little yarn helps in locating the whereabouts of this forgotten hotel.
Sharon McPherson
Does anyone know - Thanks, Ed
Marungi Hotel
I was wondering if you could help me
the marungi hotel i believe existed up until about the mid 1920,s
do you have any info
marungi is about 25kms north east of shepparton
regards Dave
Clifton Hill
Can you help me. Queens Parade Cliffton Hill VIC What was the name of the Pub It is now McDonalds. Regards Pam
Gday Pam, I believe it was formerly called the United Kingdom Hotel
Victorias Oldest Pubs Please?
Photo: Caledonian Hotel, Port Fairy
Hello,I need to know which hotel is the oldest and still operating in Victoria. Can you help me with the answer? G
Thanks G Getting close to an answer. Damn fine Question that one. Almost to the bottom of it. Lots of Grog shanties operated around Port Phillip in the 1830's. None remain as hotels as far as anyone can find out. So we look at licenses.
1836. The first three licenses were issued by magistrate Lonsdale.
To the:
Port Phillip Hotel.
Governor Bourke Hotel
and The Crown Hotel.
Means that if either of these exist under their original license they the oldest.
Port Phillip Hotel: We have no records of it still being around under any name but may well be.
Governor Bourke Hotel: There is a Pub called the Elms Family Hotel which the owners say "started life in 1851 as the "Old Governor Bourke" making it one of Melbourne's oldest licensed houses."
The owners have advised that The Elms Family Hotel wasoriginally the "Old Governor Bourke" (licensed in 1851). The "Governor Bourke" was further down Little Lonsadale Street between Spring and Exhibition Streets on the south side, which is now Telstra.
Crown Hotel. Probably a bloody big Casino now. If that is the site of the original Crown Hotel and there is enough of the old Pub preserved in the complex structure then you could make a case for it being the still operating Crown Hotel. I know that the Crown Casino advertises an area with High Ceilings and Ornate timber work near a staicase, which sounds like an old Pub entry area.???? Still its a long bow to pull.
So the only possible one there is maybe the Crown Casino.
Next licenses were issued in 1837 when magistrates in general were given the ability to issue liquor sale licenses and a whole stack were issued and probably many of the existing hotels have licenses issued between 1837 and 1840 as there were many issued during the Population boom in that period. So there could be many oldest Pubs
From Shane:I have just finished a crusade to visit 100 new pubs in a year.
People tell me that the oldest pub in victoria is the Caledonian in Port Fairy. This pub is also known as "The Stump" and has been continuouslylicensed since 1843, and that should beat any existing pub in Victoria.
It is a great pub which not only looks old, it feels old. It's called the stump because they didnt finish building the upstairs section , hence there
are stumps poking up from the floor.
Thanks Shane:
Western Australia
The oldest Pub is probably the Rose & Crown Hotel in Guildford (Perth) built in 1841
Royal Hotel Perth
Hi, Wheres the old royal hotel perth picture that was a Pub which defined Perth in the 70s
Alot of the sheep shearers and bush workers used to stay there when in town.
Hi Brian
Yes, would be good to have it listed. Sounds an important Pub. Is this the old royal you are thinking of,
www.royalhotelperth.com.au/ now done up,or do you have a pic yourself. - Ed
Yes thats the Royal. Its exactly the same as it ever was structually outside,but it has been painted. Also inside it looks very much the same the rooms have not changed much.
indeed the washing arangements are still the same ie no en suite. There was an ablutions with showers outside on the veranda first floor.I was there in the early seventies and the rent as long term guest was $16 a week. I see from the web site they still do the long term deal.
Inside the pub it looks the same apart from makeing the lounge and taproom one. They did not let women in the taproom. Sorry no photos but thats as good as any. Brian
Photo: Albany Hotel
Love your site....
Not 100% sure where all the info is obtained though....As far as my knowledge of history goes - The Albany Hotel commenced operating 1835 which was long before the London Hotel.....any ideas??? Alana,
There was certainly drinking in Albany in 1835, whether there was a Pub involved we will look into further. - Simon
South Australia
The Edinburgh Castle Hotel has the oldest hotel licence in South Australia
Mile End Hotel, Adelaide
G'day, I am seeking history of Nimmo's Mile End Hotel, Adelaide, to settle an argument, When was it licensed and for how long?, I have 1 dozen engraved glasses.
Thank's very much,
Tony Turner.
"Gday Tony
The Mile End (30 Henley Road Mile End) 0pened 1899 . This was however the second Mile End Hotel. The previous existed from 1840 to 1872. Hope that helps the arguement.
Port Adelaide history
Photo: Prince of Wales Hotel Queenstown
I am in touch with a relative of Charles Robinson and she has recorded that he managed The Prince of Wales Hotel located at 215 Port Road, Queenstown from March 14 1894 until October 31 1894. The Prince of Wales still operates today under the same name.
He also managed the Sussex Hotel located on the corner of Commercial Road and Canon Streets, Port Adelaide from October 3 1895 until February 12 1896.
Hi Enjoyed your pub trail web site. My great grandfather Charles Robertson was a publican / licensee of a hotel in Port Adelaide from 1896. I do not know the name of the hotel.
Do you know of a web site which records the names of Licensee or publicans for SA Hotels ?
Any help appreciated Regards Kevin
Gday Kevin
I don't know of a website, no. Might have to chase that up. If you are fortunate and get a researcher on side at the State library they might look it up for you.
Keep in touch, I will chase down a db. Does anyone else now??
I am in touch with a relative of Charles Robinson and she has recorded that he managed The Prince of Wales Hotel located at 215 Port Road, Queenstown from March 14 1894 until October 31 1894. The Prince of Wales still operates today under the same name.
He also managed the Sussex Hotel located on the corner of Commercial Road and Canon Streets, Port Adelaide from October 3 1895 until February 12 1896.
Regards, Joan
East Terrace Pub, Adelaide
Hi, I was wondering you would able to assist my friend and me. We have been searching and searching for the name of a pub that was around approximately 15 years ago, it was situated on East Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia. It was next to the Botanic gardens and had sporting memorabilia, you also could shoot hoops play golf and other sporting games.
As we have searched the internet tirelessly and have come to nothing other than your site which was a lot more informative than the others we've tried rephrasing the search but still to no avail!
If you are able to assist us in any way we will be very appreciative. Thank you for your time, Donna & Kevin
That could be a few Pubs. If it is a still trading Pub it is possibly either the Botanic Bar or the Stag Hotel. Do either of those look familiar from the website?
20/11/09. Hi it was called "The Circuit" Thanks again for all your help
Grand Junction Hotel S.A.
My name is Jo and I'm looking for a South Australian hotel once owned by my ancestors. His name was John Merritt and he was supposed to own/run a hotel called "The Grand JunctionThe Grand Junction". In my investigations' I've found a newspaper notice dated 17th Sept 1858 in "The South Australian Advertiser" which states that the license for the above name hotel was to be transferred to his wife Elizabeth Merritt.
Are you able to help at all?
Jo White
Jo, The grand Junction in Quorn opened 1883 so can't be that Hotel. Still looking.
Commercial Travelers Club, Adelaide
I was looking at your Adelaide site and saw lovely photos of old hotels there. Do you by any chance have any information at all about the Commercial Travelers Club which operated in Adelaide in 1908? I would love to find out where it was and if it has been replaced by some other club or pub? Kath
Here is the building from 1907 link to the pic on www.catalog.slsa.sa.gov.au. Building was/is located at North Terrace West Corner of Bank Street in the city. Not sure what building is there now but most likely the building has been replaced by the Festival City Hotel Motel, previously the Adelaide Hotel
Does anyone know, Thanks.. Ed
Australia wide, the Bush Inn in New Norfolk, Tasmania, is the oldest continually licensed Hotel operating on the same site and in the same building. (Building 1815, license 29/9/1825).
Tasmania V NSW
Bush Inn New Norfolk Tas
Do you know the oldest continuously licensed pub in Tas. Believe it's on the Tamar just North of Launceston. Couldn't find it on your site.
Believe it beats The Surveyor General in Berrima. Can you confirm? I'm a N.S.Welshman & wouldn't want the Apple Islanders beating us, but Fair is fair - IF they deserve it .........................
AJ (Campbelltown)
Yep the Bush Inn (1825) has The Surveyor General by 10 years and any other Pub for that matter. Not really near Launceston though.
NSW has the oldest operating licenses as you would expect if that is any consolation. - Ed