Mt Pleasant Hotel, Gympie Qld

Wood Cutters
This Picture is to Pubobilia as Chloe is to Bar Nudes. Probably one in 10 Pubs has this Picture of the wood Cutters somewhere. It is just a classic photo that captures the times. We chose this particular one because we reckon the sunnies (added by the Lads at the Bar) show just how cool these blokes really are.
Phoenix Hotel, Gympie Qld

The Flying Horses
The most famous of all racing photos. Or perhaps as famous as the four way dead heat photo. This photo caught all 7 Horses with all hoofs in the air at the same time. It was a Caulfield Race circa 1957, Co-incidently this race was won by "Gold Streak" and the Phoenix Hotel was named after the Phoenix number 2 gold mine. One of three that run about 100 metres under the Pub
Pioneer Hotel, Linville Qld

Lots of good Pubobilia at the Pioneer including this version of a well known poem
Kin Kin Pub, Qld

The Kin Kin is looking for Staff.
Royal Hotel, Murgon Qld

Royal Fire
Save the Beer!!!!
The Pub was destroyed while the beer was saved in the fire of 1928.
The Pub was later Rebuilt.
Imperial Hotel, Eumundi Qld

Penny Farthing
The Pub that became known as the Eumundi Lager Brewery has stacks of good Pubobilia on the walls.
Royal Mail Hotel, Tewantin, Qld

First Motor Boat Travel
1909. This is a photo of the first ever motor boat on the Noosa River. Fine looking craft.
Royal Mail Hotel, Tewantin Qld

Cobb and Co 1894
This is the stage service that gave the Pub its name. "The Royal Mail" was a name generally given to Pubs that were established as staging posts for Cobb and Co. This photo taken in front of the Royal Mail Tewantin as it was then,
Brushgrove Hotel, NSW

Husband Tamer
Not so keen on that for an idea.
Also a couple of the classic pub acronyms on the right hand side. Email us a beer and we will
tell you what they mean.
Imperial Hotel, Eumundi Qld

Drum Skin
The Beatles bass drum skin was brought out onto the Bar
for the week after George Harrison died
Chinderah Tavern NSW

Have a KB Lads
That is the old Chinderah Hotel in the background and Tooths KB was the drink of choice during WW2.
The Chinderah Tavern has replaced the old Hotel
Billinudgel Hotel (Billi Pub) NSW

Mar Ring
Mar Ring was publican at Billinudgel untill the age of 101 and is Australias' oldest ever Publican and probably the oldest in the world. This oil painting hangs over the Public Bar. She taught Bob Hawke how to pull a beer, and was awarded an M.B.E. for community service.
For more about the life of this remarkable visit the Pub page and select the Mar Ring Feature Page
Royal Hotel Bungendore NSW

The Bungendore Ghost
Here he is. The famous Bungendore ghost. This shot was taken in the Royal Hotel, Bungendore by a journo in 1949 for a local newspaper feature. Photo is on display with other old Pubobilia including some documents from 1880 found when the old fireplace was renovated
Royal Hotel Bungendore NSW

The Bungendore Ghost Pic 2
Grand O'l Crow Hotel, Crowsnest, Qld

Bundy Mural
Brilliant wall mural from this excellent country Pub.
This is what the Bundy Bear really gets up to. Unbearable.
Grand O'l Crow Hotel, Crowsnest, Qld

Infact they so keen on the rum, if you want to share one the the bear himself, that's him standing in the corner
Fitzroy Hotel, Nanango, Queensland

This creepy little dude watches over the bar from his saddle at the Fitzy in Nanango. Fair Dinkum, his eyes follow you around the room.
Steam Packet Hotel, Nelligen, NSW

The Dog Carrier
There are a few versions of these in Pubs around the country. This is a fine example. To give you a hint as to how the dog is secured in, the dogs nose goes throught the loop near the arrow. Ingenious device really.
Commercial Hotel, Nanango, Queensland

Some sort of bike
The Commercial has a great collection of Titanic Pubobilia including newspaper clippings, models and photo's in the Titanic Restaurant.... Where a meal always goes down well. As you can see some good
Irish Pubobilia as well.
Commercial Hotel, Nanango, Queensland

Photo from the Commercials' Titanic themed dining room.
A very good cruise to miss.
Commercial Hotel, Nanango, Queensland

The Irish Bar wheelbarrow.
Which is obviously what you would find in an Irish bar.
Cooee Hotel, St Georges Basin NSW

Nice one.
Caught using an amazingly light line.
Bushranger Hotel,Collector, NSW

Gold Rush Mortar
Was used to grind up rocks with a large pestle in order to be able to extract the gold dust.
Also a great collection of old muskets and other pubobilia at the Bushie. Photo's at their site.
From the Grand Hotel, Wooroolin Queensland

The regulars at the Grand made this for one of the blokes who was having a little trouble with his aim
From the Grand Hotel, Wooroolin Queensland

The Grand Hotel Snake
Made from Leanna, this bloke covers the side wall
Grand Hotel, Goomeri Queensland

Hands free drinking
A different slant on the theme. 4 cans and a tap. Genius
Larrimah Hotel

The Pink Panther and Big Stubby. Pub also has the highest Bar in the NT
Photo Dominik Giezma. Many Thanks
Larrimah Hotel

NT Dunny Paper Enlarge to read about its special qualities. Looks about 40 grade. Ouch.
Photo Dominik Giezma. Many Thanks
Rum Jungle Rec Club, Batchelor, Northern Territory

Classic Beer Sign
Nothing like those faded hand painted signs.
Photo Glenn Ryan, Many Thanks
Rum Jungle Rec Club, Batchelor, Northern Territory

Classic Beer Sign
Pretty hard to get a Swan Gold 'reduced calorie beer' these days!
Photo Glenn Ryan, Many Thanks
Hero of Waterloo Hotel, Pyrmont, New South Wales

Depiction of Hero of Waterloo around 1900. Pyrmont Sydney.
A painting by Gary Bell
Broadway Hotel Kingaroy Poem

The perfect Publican
A poem by Publican Bruce which sums up pretty well the lot of the Publican.
Thanks Bruce.
From Golden Grain Hotel, Pinaroo, SA

As presented to Jon Graham by the Hotel in 1991. Of interest to original Westend drinkers.
Many thanks Jon
Peeramon Hotel Queensland

Snakes made from thousands of ring-puls.
Photo submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks
Daly Waters Pub, Northern Territory

Australia's most remote traffic lights
Photo 29 Mar 2008
Photo submitted by Glenn Ryan, Many Thanks
Wauchope Hotel, Northern Territory

Classic Aussie bush humour at the front of the Wauchope Hotel.
Photo 30/01/2008 submitted by Glen Ryan. Many Thanks