The Darwin Long Ride. - Gary Franklin.
2 August 2010

I was only back from 22,000 klm return run to WA from the Gold Coast for 5 days when i heard about a charity run (Darwin Long Ride) to raise funds for Prostate Cancer Research Foundation. 8,000klm later and back home with a stack of pub pics. Darwin Long Ride consisted of 370 riders and raised approx 200,000$. - Gary Franklin.
That is a brilliant Ride. Cheers! Have added these pics.
New Pubs added.
- Former Unknown Pub Monot Qld. Under Renovation. Does anyone know the name of this Pub and if it is reopening.
- Grand Hotel Boulder WA. Thanks for adding this classic Pub to the site. !
- Commercial Hotel Merriden WA. New Town and Pub added from the wheat belt. Cheers
- Palace Hotel Southern Cross WA. This looks like a great Pub to stay at!
- Albion Shamrock Hotel Motel Boulder WA. Boulder really does have great looking Pubs!. Thanks Gary.
Pub udpates:
- Former Criterion Hotel Alpha closed ?? date.
- Courthouse Hotel Murwillumbah. Looking good after reovations. Cheers
- Murwillumbah Hotel Looking like a completely different Hotel after renovations. Cheers.
- Railway Hotel Goondiwindi. A good job on the new exterior
*Queensland Hotel Goondiwindi. Pub looks great after an exterior renovation.
- Victoria Hotel Goondiwindi
- Wobbly Boot Hotel Boggabilla NSW. Classic Pub looking good.
- Condingup Tavern WA. Being visited in Style!
- Pier Hotel Esperance WA. Front courtyard now added.
- Esperance Hotel Motel WA. There's that bike again!
- Palace Hotel Ravensthorpe WA. Fantastic Pub.