Horace "Golly" Wyatt
8 February 2011

"Hi, I'm am the daughter of this man in the Photo known as Golly his real name was Horace Wyatt. Golly would run Saturday lunch time and Thursday nights raffles at the Club House Hotel Pub.
Here is a photo if you are interested for your web pages, It was taken by myself Cindy Wyatt and I'm am happy to share it with you on your web site.
The photo shows a 5th Anniversary ? not sure the year but must be around the early 1980's, the eight ball table would be full of prizes especially around Christmas time and Easter and attracted a lot of fisherman and workers locally.
I still have the bag or pouch my dad would have tied around his waist to collect money for the raffles.
When he died in 1988 the publican displayed a plague in the corner of the hotel after my dad ( Golly's Corner)
Well thank you, I hope you like the photo." - Cindy Wyatt
What a top email to receive. We love to hear about the characters that made Pubs great and Horace Golly Wyatt certainly would be one. We will raise our Glasses to Golly!! - Ed.