Queensland and NSW Pubs from Ken Morley
15 February 2011

Pubs photos courtesy of Ken Morley. Ken took the trouble to send a CD of many current and former Australian Pubs he has visited. Brilliant to be able to add. Cheers
- Albion Hotel Albion, Brisbane. New Pub added.
- Former Imperial Hotel Dalby Queensland. A photo taken just one week before it was destroyed by fire.
- Pine Beach Hotel Emu Park Queensland. Overlooking the bay. New Pub added.
- Former Abernethy Hotel Abernethy NSW. Now a guesthouse , restored and overlooking 4 acres. New Former Pub added.
- Royal Hotel Capertee NSW. Good looking Pub near the Blue Mountains. New Pub added
- Erringhi Hotel Clarence Town NSW . Brilliant 1913 Pub. New town and Pub added.
- Binalong NSW. 4 pics updating the Binalong Hotel and Former Commercial and Former Royal Hotel including the history board of the Old Patersons (Commercial) Pub.
- Royaql Cricketers Arms Hotel Prospect , Sydney. Nice pic from 2009 added.
- Former Shamrock and Thistle Hotel Bowning NSW. If anyone knows some history on this old Wayside Inn it would be much appreciated. Cheers. New Former Pub added.
- Coast Hotel Budgewoi NSW. The Hotel has been completely renovated on the site of the old Budgwoi Hotel. New updated pic. Cheers
- Pics added of the Lake George and Royal Hotels Cheers
- Collector NSW Good to add some pics of the Bushie, the mural has been painted over. Ken has also added the Former Wheatsheaf Hotel, classic high country style Pub building. Cheers
- Dunedoo Hotel Photo added, cheers
- Former Junction Inn Hotel Galambine NSW. A real find, this former Pub was a Cobb and Co Staging Post.
- Former Commercial Hotel Gulgong NSW . Including a brilliant history board showing the W' Selff's Hotel.
- Kearsley Hotel Kearsley NSW. New town and Pub added. One very good looking Pub . Cheers.