Casterton Pubs, Victoria
9 March 2011

I have just noticed you web site and in checking the "Hotels in Casterton, Victoria " there is an error on the small photo dated 19/08/2005 Casterton Hotel, in fact this should be titled the Albion Hotel. This photo was taken looking north east towards the main bridge over the Glenelg River from the intersection of Henty Street and Clark Street.
I was a paper boy delivering "The Herald " 3 pence a copy in 1965 to all Hotels in the town , my mum and dad worked in the Glenelg Inn which in the early days had a verandah similar to the Casterton Hotel. There was also the Railway Hotel but this was demolished with the closure of the Railway to Casterton to make way for Peden's car park across the road from the new Peden's Supermarket at the time.
I have lived in Perth Western Australia since 1977, keep up the good work as it was nice to see buildings which have a sentimental connection.
Mr Robin Kearney."
Thanks Robin. Yes you are exactly right. The Brewery signage is a dead giveaway. Have moved the photo to the correct listing. If anyone has a pic of the railway dbefore demolition that would be great!! Cheers