Former Pubs in Rockhampton and Sydney
27 June 2011
"Hi, I am looking for information or pictures on the following pubs/hotels:
Name- Hector Hotel
Address- Bouldercombe Rd, Rockhampton, QLD
Operating in - 1896, 1897 to ?
Publican - Mrs Conmee (used several Christian names: Ellen, Norah, Nellie etc)
Name - Columbia Hotel
Address - Castlereagh St, Sydney, NSW
Operating in - 1873, 1874 to ?
Publican - William Kavanagh
The publicans are ancestors of mine. Even recent photos (if the buildings are still standing) would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers Karen Smith"
Gday Karen - hope you get a response, we don't have any old pics as yet - Ed