Enjoying and Rating Pubs
6 July 2011
Ive been looking at your site quite a fair bit lately and have found a lot of my old favourite pubs and also alot of the pubs where I have forgotten where they are (no prizes for guessing how I forgot). I absolutely love your site as it has bought back alot of great memories and plans for new adventures. One question I have is, do you believe it would be a good idea to put a rating system on each pub so that people who have been to a particular pub can give it a rating out of ten to show the rest of the website viewers if they liked the pub that the current pub viewer is looking at? Something simple like one beer equals poor personal rating, ten beers equals an excellent personal rating. Puting the viewers name to the rating would show what pubs they have been to. Please let me know your thoughts on the idea.
Thank you very much for providing blokes like myself and all my beer drinking mates an excellent site to look at when we are once again planning another road trip. It has proved to be a very valuable asset and I hope you continue to build on and expand your site. Thank you once again for your diligent efforts in providing a road map for keen road tripping beer drinkers.
Dion "Nugget" Casey
National President
Team Bull Catcher "
Gday Nugget.
National President , team bull catcher ?? Tell me more, where do I join. !!!!
Thanks for your feedback, really appreciate it.
The Pub experience means different things to different people so don't know if a ratings system is for us but does sound like fun. Perhaps contributors could rate Pubs from "Good cause it's a Pub" to "I am now planning to buy the house next door". The idea could gain momentum from here!
Hopefully given publishing enough photos and info on Pubs, courtesy of our contributors, travellers will have a fair idea what to expect and of course any Pub visited is a good way to spend a day and a dollar.
Nugget, please send any feedback or pics from your own "road tripping beer drinking" ventures. All helps in expanding the site. Keen to see where you visit.!