Club House Hotel' and the "Great Western Hotel - Cowra
5 September 2011
I am looking for the following two pubs that were operable in 1902; they were the 'Club House Hotel' and the "Great Western Hotel'. The reason for my enquiry is that my great grand Uncle Maurice John Lee was the publican in both pubs, not at the same time. There is a very sad tale to tell about his demise, after returning from the Boer War with typhoid and going to Cowra to recuperate and be with his sisters, he was shot dead in the Club House Hotel by a woman when he refused to marry her in 1902. There is so much written about the whole sordid affair throughout Australia and New Zealand.
I have looked at your web site and of course the pubs are not called by those names - do you know if they are still around and if so what are they called now?
You might find this fanciful but I had a very realistic dream that in the cellar of one of these pubs is a small rusty tin box under a whole lot of rubbish and inside are lots of personal details on Maurice John Lee, more often he preferred to be called John rather than Maurice (actually don't blame him)! My dream was so strong I am very curious to say the least. Many of these country pubs kept on their walls a great deal of historical memorabilia so if there is anything about Maurice 'hanging' around I would be most grateful.
If you want to know the full story and history, just look up TROVE Newspapers either under Maurice John Lee and/or Ethel Herringe. There are heaps of articles regarding the subject matter. By the way, there are still members of the Herringe family living in Cowra today.
Thanks Lynne Hopefully someone visiting the site can help.