Mystery Pub, does anyone recognise?
13 September 2011

"Hi ,My Dad found this photo dated about 1920 and we were curious about the location of Reg,J.Kerr's Post Office Hotel.
The Model T Ford in the photo was on a demonstration tour to rural Australia extolling the virtue's of being able to convert the T to the Eros Mak-a-tractor."Does the work of 4 strong draught horses."The person standing alongside the T is my grandfather who was part of the demonstration and sales team.
We were wondering if the location can be identified, there are quite a few Post Office Hotels in Australia and I have looked at quite a few in NSW and Qld but have not been able to spot any locations that look similar. I must admit it was fun looking for the locations on your site and when I have more time I will do some more exploring. Regards, Peter"
"I think year on that picture needs to be changed as the first model T rolled off the production line at Geelong June 1925 and they switched to the model A in 1928 after Fords Norlane factory was built information came from Wikipedia.So that picture was taken between those years. - Chris Dempsey Queensland"
Hopefully someone will recognise, - Ed.
Photo courtesy Peter Gioodman, Many Thanks